Page 41 of Unconditional Love
“I’ll read whatever you recommend to me. I believe it’s just fair that I read something you give me if you read one of mine.”
This was definitely something she wasn’t comfortable with. Even them knowing that she read romance was suddenly far too personal and she regretted having said it. She wasn’t sure what to say. Like a deer in headlights, she just stared at him.
“Gwendoline, don’t feel like you have to do anything. Silas is just offering a peace treaty after you had to suffer through his awful book choice.”
Silas leaned back and looked at his brother while letting out an annoyed sound. Rayen seemed to like to tease both of his brothers.
“It wasn’t an awful choice.”
“Of course, it wasn’t. Perfect fit for someone reading romance,” Rayen taunted.
“How was I supposed to know what she reads?”
“Use that old rusty brain of yours and ask.”
“Fine, next time I’ll remember that and barge into her room in the middle of the night to ask her what book she would like to read.”
Gwen couldn’t help but giggle at the two of them bickering with each other. They both turned their heads and grinned at her, seemingly pleased with themselves that they’d made her laugh. Still red as a tomato, she pulled out her phone and opened her book app. She flicked through and decided to read something new.
At some point she finished her wine and Rayen came to take it from her. “More?”
She didn’t even have to look to know that Mr. Seavey was looking at her. His iciness trickled down her spine without her having to see his stare.Rayen nodded and took the glass back to the bar while she returned to her book. She didn’t even feel the time pass but halfway through the book Rayen’s voice pulled her out of it.
“We will be landing in just a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
She set aside her phone and watched as the plane flew beneath the clouds and the earth slowly came closer. She exhaled in relief after the plane had finally set its wheels on the runway. Her muscles instantly relaxed.
She waited until Mr. Seavey and Rayen had gotten up and left the plane before getting up herself. A little slow and wobbly, she walked to the exit with Silas right behind her. He was close, inches away as if he wanted to make sure she wouldn’t fall or catch her if he needed to. She held on tight to the railing before walking towards the terminal. Rayen and Mr. Seavey walked just ahead of her. They seemed to be having a muttered argument.
“So, which of your books will you let me read?”
She’d hoped he would drop the topic, but clearly, he had other ideas. “I don’t have many physical books.”
“Why not?”
“Silas, will you drive with us to the office? Amon doesn’t want to go home first.”
For some reason Silas grinned as if he knew something that she didn’t. “I’ll find my way.” Then he turned to her with hopeful eyes. “Unless you would like me to come.”
Before she could say or do anything Mr. Seavey turned around. “Silas!” His voice was sharp like a knife piercing through a heart.
Silas’s emotions completely changed. If looks could kill, his gaze would’ve beheaded Mr. Seavey. “I don’t need your input.”
Goosebumps appeared all over her skin and she didn’t even know why. Silas’s anger wasn’t directed towards her, yet the air around her felt dangerous. Something cold dripped down her back, as if someone was pouring ice water over her neck.
Rayen’s soft, warm voice wrapped around her like a beacon. “Gwendoline, hop inside.”
She quickly walked towards him and the open car door and sat inside. He closed the door and turned to his brothers, mumbling something under his breath she couldn’t hear. A moment later, he and Mr. Seavey sat in front and drove off.
She was glad when they finally arrived downtown, and she was able to get out of the car. She was about to follow Mr. Seavey towards the entrance when Rayen gently laid his hand on her arm. He seemed to be of cold blood, his hands cool despite the heat.
“Would you like to grab yourself some lunch? You can take the car if you need to.”
“No, I’ll just order something.”