Page 48 of Unconditional Love
“That’s all.”
“You didn’t have more than those few boxes?” Somehow Silas seemed upset.
“And whatever is in the bedroom.”
Silas turned and entered her bedroom to find one last box and the dresses she hadn’t dared to fold. He came back with the box in his hands, the dresses laying on top of it. As he passed Rayen he pinned him with a hateful look, so dark Gwen was afraid Rayen would burst into flames.
“Is there anything else we can help you with?” Rayen’s voice was much softer than usual.
“I just was going to give you back the house key. I’ll return the car to Claudia tomorrow.”
Silas returned and looked around as if he was still looking for more of her stuff. “So, you’re leaving today?”
“You have a home?”
She nodded and studied Silas closer. He was stiffer and looked tired, his eyes had dark rings around them. His body language was cold towards Rayen as if they’d had an argument. Whereas Rayen seemed sadder and more open towards Silas, his body slightly turned to him.
“We’ll come with you and get you settled in,” Silas said as he looked down at her.
That’s where she drew the line and got on her feet. “No, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”
Silas opened his mouth, but Rayen cut him off, “Of course you can Gwendoline, we just wanted to offer our help.”
She walked to the bedroom to make sure she’d gotten everything. “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”
She walked through the closet and bathroom but didn’t find anything that belonged to her. She came back to find them both staring at each other, burning invisible holes into their chests. She stopped in her tracks kind of wanting to know why they were fighting. Slightly she tilted her head, her eyes flickering between the two of them but too shy to ask.
She separated the apartment key from the car key and held it out to both of them. “Thank you for having me.”
Rayen’s face softened as he took his gaze off Silas and looked at her, taking the key. “We should thank you for having to put up with us.”
“You paid pretty well for it,” she laughed, and Silas started smirking. “Well, if there is anything else just let me know.” She looked around one last time before walking out with them both following her. “Is Amon here?”
“I believe he’s in the office today.”
“Well, tell him I said goodbye.”
“Of course.” Rayen locked the door behind her and stood next to Silas who seemed to be wanting to say something.
She wasn’t sure what else to do and say so she waved at them with a smile and got into the car. They watched her drive off, standing together without talking or moving as she drove down the driveway.
Gwen had been gone for a week, and it still felt wrong not having her round. Amon and Rayen left for L.A. while he stayed behind. He didn’t want to leave Houston, not without Gwen. Most of the week he’d spent in the guest apartment soaking in her lingering scent like a creep.
The morning came when none of her scent was anywhere to be found, so he’d gone out in an attempt to find her. He’d memorized the list Amon and Rayen had given her to find work and lingered in front of the law firm, the last place where he hoped to find her. It was close to the evening, and he’d slightly scented her in the lobby earlier.
Standing across from the entrance of the garage, he studied each car that came out. He longed for her, wanting and needing to be close to her again. He knew he couldn’t go close, but he wanted to make sure she was alright. The wind blew across his face and her peachy scent wrapped around him. He spun around and saw her walking out of the main entrance towards the nearest bus stop.
Slightly hiding behind the next building, he watched as she waited and got on the next bus. She looked alright, better than the week after their trip. Amon not tormenting her was probably why she looked so well. He would’ve thought she would take a break and take the two weeks off, but it seemed as if she’d started her new job right away.
He waited for the bus to leave, trying to decide what he should do. It felt wrong going after her, but wrong not to either. He sighed and walked opposite of the bus towards a dark alley in which he switched to full vampire speed and returned home.