Page 62 of Unconditional Love
“Not for things like this,” Rayen said as he turned into the shampoo aisle.
Gwen stood in front of the shelves trying to find all that she needed before guiding them back to the food area. On the way to the fridges, Rayen drifted off into the nearby clothes section. Just as she grabbed some milk and orange juice, he returned with a few items of clothing in his hands.
“Don’t you like to wear these types of clothes?”
She looked up and grinned. He’d grabbed a few black leggings and loose t-shirts. “I do.”
“Are they your size?”
Looking at the tags, she shook her head. “They are too small.”
“What size do you wear?”
She blushed. “Maybe a fourteen would fit better.”
He looked back at the tags. “And for shirts?”
“Usually a large.”
“I shall return.”
He walked off with Silas close behind him.
Amon stayed by her side, pushing the cart for her. “You can tell them if they make you uncomfortable. Last time you didn’t seem to like us buying clothes for you.”
“You send me to a store where the cheapest piece was as much as a month’s rent.”
“Money doesn’t mean anything to us as long as you are happy.”
“So, let’s say if I said, the house that we went to look at would make me happy…”
“We would buy it in a heartbeat.”
She slightly choked on his words. “That’s insane.”
“Would you want that house?”
She laughed. “Hell no! Maybe the view but not that house.”
They walked down the aisles and Gwen grabbed the things she needed here and there. He seemed to be wanting to ask or at least say something.
“Is there something you would like to ask?”
“There is, but I don’t want to intrude.”
She turned and smiled back at him. “You haven’t exactly given me the impression that you’re shy.”
“Has money or the lack thereof been a problem in your past?”
“Not until after my mom’s death.” She grabbed a few apples and mangoes as they walked through the fruit section. “When mom was diagnosed with cancer, she went off and spent thousands of dollars on these healers that promised to cure her with holy stones and whatnot. After she died, I not only got the hospital bill, but those bills too.”
“And your sister?”
“We had a really good lawyer who arranged for her bills to be taken care of by the man who caused the accident.”
“So, you don’t have to worry about her?”
“No.” She looked around. “I think we should go find the other two before they buy the whole store.”