Page 8 of Unconditional Love
Gwen woke the next morning at 5:45 a.m. giving herself enough time to get ready for the day and go over the schedule again. She chose black jeans and a dark blue blouse that covered her shoulders and chest. While looking over her papers, she quickly ate some cereal and made some slight adjustments.
At seven, she got up and grabbed her Surface, the schedules, to-do-lists, work contract, pen, and paper to write anything down she needed to remember. Prepared, yet still nervous she opened the door to the main house and walked to the frosted glass doors. She knocked before cautiously opening the door to peek inside. Mr. Seavey was sitting at a large wooden desk in a very spacious office that was flooded with golden morning light. With the light falling on his skin, his face looked warmer and a little less serious.
He looked up and crooked his eyebrow. “Ms. Moore.”
Mr. Seavey was a man of few words, yet she knew that he was asking her why the hell she was already in his office. He hadn’t expected her to be here. She stepped in and walked over to the desk.
“I wanted to give you my signed work contract. I also have your weekly schedule here and a list of everything that will happen throughout the week.” She handed him the work contract, his schedule, and to-do-list. “I added all the upcoming meetings for the week on your calendar, but will highlight the ones that you wish to attend on your daily schedules.”
He set aside the work contract, his eyes moving quickly as he read through the schedule and the to-do-list. With a pen he quickly circled some of the meetings before returning the paper back to her while keeping the to-do-list.
A little hesitant, she continued, “Mr. Seavey, where are the other two Mr. Seaveys?”
His jaw muscles tensed up. “I don’t believe that is any of your business, Ms. Moore.”
“I just wanted to know which meetings I should highlight in their schedules. I’ve added all meetings, in all three locations, to all the schedules and just wanted to make sure the ones applying to them would be more visible.” Her voice was slightly shaking. She hadn’t meant to overstep a line.
He relaxed, but barely. “They are in L.A. at the moment and will join me next week.”
“Thank you. I’ll highlight those meetings for them.”
He nodded.
“Would you like me to include all deals to be made and meetings from all locations on your schedules or just for Houston?”
“There have been a few requests for employees to meet with you, would you like me to schedule all meetings in one day or do you prefer phone calls?”
“Make me a list of staff that have requested to see me, and I’ll look over it.”
“Of course. What times do you prefer your breaks, so I can schedule everything around them?”
“I don’t take breaks, Ms. Moore.”
Every time he said her name with that deep voice of his, her heart fluttered. She quickly noted his preference on her blank sheet, trying to keep her cool. “Some clients have also requested to talk to you. Would you like me to make a list of them too for you to decide which ones to see and which ones to call?”
He nodded, his chocolate brown eyes fixed on her.
“Should I do the same for your brothers?”
He nodded again, his movements sleek yet firm.
“Thank you, Mr. Seavey.” She turned to leave.
“Ms. Moore.”
She quickly spun back around to him. “Yes, Mr. Seavey?”
His eyes trailed over her body, inspecting her closely. She couldn’t read his expression, and wasn’t sure what he was looking for. He reached for his drawer and pulled out a little card.
“I expect my employees to look flawless. Our clients pay good money for our services and our image will reflect it.”
He handed her the card. She blushed, embarrassment flooding through her veins.