Page 81 of Unconditional Love
Rayen must have seen his longing and whispered, “She would love for you to join.”
“You’ll give in to her at some point, might as well do it now.”
Silas was right, though Amon wasn’t ready yet. He also knew that if he took too long to give her what she wanted, there may be a chance of him losing her. She was already feeling so free and comfortable with Rayen and Silas that he couldn’t help but fear that he was already too late.
“I might be too late anyway,” he confessed.
“Have you seen how she looks at you?”
Silas’s mouth curled into a mischievous grin. “If Rayen continues treating her the way he is, she might have an available spot right where he sits now.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Rayen growled.
“You couldn’t give her an orgasm. Maybe she’ll turn to Amon to give her that kind of pleasure.”
Rayen’s growl only deepened. “I wanna see you keep your calm when she bites you like you’re her next fucking meal.”
Amon’s body stiffened as he imagined Gwendoline’s teeth dragging over his own skin. Though she wouldn’t be able to penetrate it, the thought of her trying made him hard in an instant.
Silas seemed to think the same as his eyes started to burn red. “Fuck…” he groaned, perhaps a little too loud.
Gwendoline started moving between them, taken out of her deep sleep. Rayen quickly caressed her back to sleep and they all took it as a sign to keep it quiet from now on.
She seemed much calmer with Rayen and Silas next to her. The first night she’d spent with them after her attack, she’d tossed and turned. It had seemed as if her dreams had repeatedly taken her back to the dark alley in which Silas had found her. Amon knew all of her pain was his fault-he’d been the one treating her badly. He was the reason why she’d been in that alley, why she’d been violated by those men, and if Silas hadn’t rebelled against his decisions, she could’ve ended up dead.
Before he could spiral down further Silas turned to Rayen. “Her sister, Evangeline…” He didn’t seem to have the right words to say or ask what was on his mind.
“Evangeline is Gwen’s whole world.” Silas wanted to say something, but Rayen wouldn’t let him. “She knows and understands her sister’s situation, Silas. She isn’t blind or naïve about her condition, but she loves her far too deeply to let her go.”
Amon was curious. When Rayen had asked to meet Evangeline, he’d wanted to join them too. He’d seen how deeply Gwendoline loved her sister and wanted to honor her by meeting the last family member she had.
“Did you meet her?”
Rayen nodded. “She doesn’t look anything like Gwen anymore, paler, skinnier, and sick. Gwen likes talking to her and taking her on walks, but she knows it’s more for herself than for Evangeline. I think it’s guilt that keeps her from letting go.”
Silas’s face turned angry. “She is dead though.”
“Essentially her mind is, and Gwen knows that. But could you let go of your second soul? Don’t forget they are twins, which means they spend every moment of every day with each other. They were likely inseparable, and now that part is missing from her.”
“Is she being treated well?”
Amon remembered Gwen saying that Evangeline’s needs were taken care of by the man who’d caused the accident, but he wasn’t sure if the money was enough for a good care home.
“Yes. The nurses seem to take care of her very well.”
“So, she doesn’t feel guilty because she isn’t taken care of,” Amon stated.
“No, but maybe because she survived, and Evangeline didn’t.”
“Has she told you anything about the accident? Was she in it too?”
Rayen shook his head and Amon had to fight back the urge to go over and caress Gwendoline. She’d been fighting alone for so long that now he wanted to take care of all her worries.
“What if we turn her?” Silas asked, a little too hopeful.
Amon narrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Silas. It didn’t seem to fit him to suggest turning someone without their consent. It slightly angered Amon that Silas would even think of something so gruesome. Amon himself had been turned without wanting it.
Rayen, though, was curious as he turned his face to Amon. “Do you think it would work?”