Page 95 of Unconditional Love
“Do you always relax in a suit and tie?” she asked, amused.
Looking down on himself he shook his head. “I’ll change.”
Returning to her just a few moments later, wearing sweatpants and a casual t-shirt, her eyes grew larger as they traveled over his body.
“I never thought I’d see you so casual.”
“I can wear something else,” he said, unsure if it was good or bad.
“Please don’t. I like it.” She pulled back the covers and patted the mattress next to her. “Do you want to cuddle or just be close?”
By her tone he could tell she would prefer the cuddles and so did he. Laying down next to her, he pulled her closer, unable to say anything. With her scent wrapping around him and her warm cheek on his chest, he closed his eyes.
She hesitantly laid her arm on his stomach. “Can I ask you something?”
“I’m sure you have more than one question.”
“I do.”
“Ask all of them.”
“How were you turned?”
“Like Silas, I didn’t choose this life, rather it was forced upon me. A vampire named Celera came across my farm just a few months after Marinna had passed. She turned me in the hope that I would become her companion. She quickly learned that I had no interest in her. Shortly after she turned me, she left. I had to teach myself how to control my thirst. It wasn’t easy and in my first years I did many things I regret and wish I could change.”
“Were you all alone since then?”
“I preferred to isolate myself from our kind. Many are like Rayen in his younger years.”
“And you don’t like that?”
He nodded. “I’ve always preferred to live among humans and hide in plain sight.”
“Because you dislike what you are now?”
He sighed and started running his fingers up and down her spine. With each second she laid with him, it was easier to open up to her. She wanted to know him, even understood parts of him he hadn’t shared with her yet.
“I used to despise my new life and who I’d become. Before blood banks I had to drain and kill people to stay alive.”
“What happens if you don’t feed?”
“Unfortunately, vampires don’t just die from starvation. Our strength, speed, and senses decline as our body becomes weak. At some point a vampire falls into a deep sleep that holds him hostage until blood fills his system again.”
“Someone else would have to awaken the vampire again?”
“What else would you like to know?”
She took a deep breath and with a quiet voice she asked, “What made you want to cuddle with me?”
“Earlier today, a picture–or rather a scene–formed in my mind. You were sitting and talking to Marianna. Each of you telling the other of your life with me. When you told her how I hurt you, Marinna gave me a scolding look.”
The fabric of his shirt beneath her face turned wet. When he opened his eyes and sat up slightly, he saw that tears were running down her cheeks. Worried he’d done something wrong, he sat her up.
“Why are you crying?”