Page 13 of The Wolf Slayer
“If you don’t let go of me, you too will be just as wet as I am,” he laughed amused, his eyes mirroring her excitement.
“I don’t ever want to let go of you; you’ll just disappear again if I do.” All the doubts she’d had about him were gone and she never wanted to be without him ever again. She let go of him and looked up into his face. “Did you ride your bike here?”
He smiled down at her and his hand reached for her face, gently caressing her cheek. “I missed you. I had to come see you.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. She loved when he kissed her like that. It made her feel special.
“Oh Blake, you must be freezing. Let me grab you some dry clothes. I’m sure Jason won’t mind if you borrowed some of his clothes. His flings use my stuff all the time.”
Turning around, she walked to Jason’s room, Blake following behind her. She walked into Jason’s room and into his closet while Blake stopped by the bedroom door and leaned against the doorframe. She looked around the closet for some suitable clothes that Blake could wear, which wasn’t an easy task considering all the inappropriate clothes in the closet.
“You two are close, aren’t you?” Blake sounded displeased by the thought of her being close to someone other than him. He tried to hide it, but she heard the jealousy in his voice. “Exactlyhowclose?”
“Nothing to be jealous about–Jason and I are friends.” She grabbed a black t-shirt and a pair of gray joggers and exited the closet.
“It smells like sex in here.”
Disgusted, he wrinkled his nose as he gazed around the room. She was sure he saw all the condoms, tissues and probably some of Jason’s pleasure toys laying around.
“He loves having people over. I’m sure they’re not baking cookies, but I’d rather not think about that.” She handed him the clothes. “Here these should fit you. I’ll put your wet ones in the dryer. Just give them to me when you’re done.”
She went on to show him the bathroom, but he just stripped down right where he was. He made it seem like it was the most casual occurrence in the world to get undressed in front of others. She stared at him. Her eyes gazing over his perfectly sculpted body, his broad shoulders, muscular chest, and to his dick. She licked her lips as if he was some kind of candy she wanted to taste. That’s when she realized what she was doing and looked the other way until he handed her his wet clothes.
As she was turning on the dryer, she couldn’t stop thinking about his naked body. The body of a young god, tall, tanned and muscles galore. She should’ve just touched him. All she wanted now was to go back in time and look at him in all his glory again. She wanted to feel his smooth skin and his muscles tense up under her touch. She could barely hold back a lustful moan as she thought about all the things she wanted to do with him. She shook her head to get rid of the images in her mind. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. She usually wasn’t like this and had never felt like this with anyone else.
She quickly headed back to the kitchen where Blake stood by the sink, already washing the potatoes that had fallen on the floor. She pulled the meat out of the fridge and started cooking it. Blake grabbed a pot from the drying rack and filled it with water for the potatoes. It felt like a dream come true to have him here next to her. It felt so natural. As they both stood there preparing their dinner, it felt as if they had known each other for years. Blake walked over with the pot of potatoes in his hands, put it on the stove, and watched the meat sizzle in the pan.
He had dark rings around his eyes, and they reminded her of Jason’s when he partied too hard without any sleep. She wondered if his family was still giving him a hard time and if they would punish him for coming here and seeing her again. She was afraid that the next punishment would be so great that he wouldn’t dare to return to her ever again.
“Do you have siblings?”
It took Blake a second to realize that she’d asked him a question. It seemed like his mind had been thousands of miles away. “Yes, three siblings: one brother and two sisters.” He paused as if he wasn’t sure if and how much more he should say. “You saw my brother last time I came. He was the one who picked me up.” His lips formed a cold, crooked smile.
“He’s the older one.” It wasn’t a question; she remembered the voice of the man. “And your sisters, are they younger than you?”
“No, everyone is older than me.”
He sighed, frustrated but also hurt, his gaze on the floor. She could see that his thoughts were taking him far away from her again, something clearly weighing heavily on him. Before she could ask what it was, he continued talking.
“They all have their own families. Ann and Layla have found their partners for life. Layla has one child and is expecting her second. Seth’s and Lyliann’s son is turning two. They all have their perfect lives.” He laughed a dark, cold laugh. “I’m the black sheep, you know? I don’t fit in, I haven’t and will never find my place.” He choked on his words.
Niev came closer and touched his cheek, feeling the need to soothe him. “Why would you say that? I’m sure they must love you. They are your family after all.”
Blake looked up and laid his hand over hers as she caressed his cheek with her thumb. “That’s not the point. They love me to pieces, but that doesn’t change that I’m different than the others.” He must have seen her confusion on her face, and added, “I would break the rules if I explained it to you.” With another sigh rolling past his lips, he quickly changed the subject. “What about your family?”
She didn’t want to change the subject, she wanted to know more about his family, but he had shared far more than she ever thought he would.
“I was an only child. My parents adopted me when I was an infant. I was left abandoned by a church in the middle of winter. Mother and Father had been trying for years to conceive their own children and when their pastor found me by his church, they moved heaven and earth to be able to adopt me.”
She turned away from him, trying to hide her emotions. Her parents had always been a very touchy subject. She grabbed two plates and started plating their food while Blake was listening to her story.
“They were good people and loved me more than anything, but they were very strict and religious. Being a teenager, I realized that I no longer wanted to follow the path that they’d chosen for me. I became rebellious, going against everything they’d taught me, no longer obeying them or their church rules. So, at some point they gave me a choice of either following their path and be part of their life or to leave, be banished and disowned.”
She picked up the plates and carried them to the table while Blake grabbed two glasses of water and the cutlery. They sat opposite each other.
“You chose to leave your family?” Blake asked curiously, but he seemed surprised too.
She nodded with her mouth full of food. She quickly swallowed and continued. “Yes. Don’t get me wrong I loved and still do love my parents, but I didn’t feel as if I belonged. Unlike me, they were tied to their church and deeply religious. I was always different from the others. Other parents always looked at me as if I was different simply because I wasn’t the biological child of my parents. I wanted to see more than the same streets of the same town for the rest of my life. I always had the feeling as if something else was waiting for me outside of it, as if my journey would end somewhere else. So, I left my family and we haven’t talked since.”
They both fell silent and finished their dinner buried in their own thoughts. It wasn’t as awkward as she would’ve expected, instead they both felt comfortable enough not having to force a conversation. She’d always wanted someone to be able to enjoy a quiet moment with, not needing to constantly talk. Having Blake here with her felt good.