Page 21 of The Wolf Slayer
He walked out of the tree line, up the hill toward the main house. He was hungry and his father had wanted an in-person report about everything happening on the border. He walked through the front door and into his father’s office.
“Father.” He slightly bowed his head.
“Blake, you’re earlier than expected. Your mother will be thrilled for you to join us for lunch.”
Blake nodded and forced a smile on his face. He hadn’t been planning to spend much time here. All he wanted was to give his father a report and leave.
“There isn’t much to report. I’ve scented two wolves. Their scent was three or four days old though and nothing fresh came my way since.”
“Most likely scouts.” His father sighed and rubbed over his face with his hand. “I have a feeling we won’t have much luck finding a diplomatic and peaceful solution this time. Alpha Loren isn’t willing to receive any of my messages. Maybe we should start training all able men, just in case of the worst-case scenario. I’d hate to do it though–it would worry the woman and children.”
His father was right in both parts. The Skadu Pack was the most vicious pack on the northern continent, and training all able men to fight would scare the whole pack. “Skadu” translated to shadow, and that’s what they had brought over every pack they’d crossed so far. The Shadow Wolves brought great sorrow over every territory they advanced on.
If it were his choice, he would train all able men no matter how scared everyone would get. He would even order them not to tell their families, but that wasn’t his call to make.
He nodded before leaving the office and walked toward the kitchen where his mother was waiting for him. She still felt guilty for what had happened on Selene’s Night. Up until that day, his family had never treated him badly. They’d always been loving toward him no matter what he’d done. His mother had been trying to redeem herself ever since.
His mother was kind-hearted and always had an open ear for everyone’s problems—not just her family’s, but the whole pack. As the alpha’s mate, it was her duty to take care of the pack. She always listened and seemed to know the answer to everything. An alpha was the protector and provider of a pack, and his mate was the glue that held it together. His mother was perfect for the job. It seemed to come so easily to her.
“You look awful.” She told him, a worried tone in her voice. “She weighs heavily on your mind.”
It wasn’t a question. His mother knew him far too well and he knew she would listen to his problems without judging him. She would understand the pain he was going through and the loss he felt. But he knew he couldn’t open up to her. He would fall apart if he did, and not even his mother could put him back together afterwards.
Instead, he grabbed a plate with food and stuffed his mouth. He ate three full plates before he’d had enough. He rested his head on the table in front of him, his arms forming a cushion. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but he was too exhausted to move and lay down somewhere else. He dozed off to the sound of his mother busying herself in the kitchen.
At some point his phone started vibrating in his pocket–someone was calling him. He had trouble shaking off the sleep and by the time he opened his eyes and grabbed his phone, the caller had hung up and had sent a message. It was her number. He’d never saved it into his contacts and had deleted every call he’d ever made to her, but he knew Niev’s number by heart. He’d been too afraid anyone would see her name pop up on the screen and find out he was still in contact with her.
He opened her text and read it through blurry eyes.
Blake, I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from right now, but we need to talk. Please come see me.
Without thinking twice, he jumped to his feet and walked toward the back doors. His body was moving before his mind could even process what he was doing. It was as if something was pulling him in Niev’s direction. He knew deep down that she needed him right away.
“Blake, what’s happened? Everything okay?”
His mind occupied with Niev’s text, it took him a while to formulate an answer for his mother. “I’m just tired. Tell father I’m in my cabin if he needs me.”
“I’ll tell him not to bother you for a while. Rest up, my love.”
He wasn’t sure if she knew that he was lying, or if she actually believed him. It didn’t matter. He took his jeans off and let his wolf take over his body. His claws dug into the ground he ran toward the woods, deciding it was best to stop at his cabin and ride the bike to Niev. He wasn’t sure why Niev needed him, but he knew it was urgent. His heart pounded against his chest and his body longed to hold her in his arms again.
About two and a half hours later, he stood in front of her door, his whole body shaking. He knocked and heard her tiny footsteps come closer. She didn’t open the door right away. Her vanilla scent was much saltier than usual, leading him to believe she’d been crying. He heard her take a deep breath before she opened the door.
Her eyes were red and puffy. Her hair was messy like she hadn’t brushed or washed it in a while. She was wearing a tank top and shorts, looking completely exhausted. He pulled her close, wrapped his arms around her, and held her tightly against his chest. They stood there for what seemed like hours. When she tried to free herself from him, he cupped her face with his hands.
“What happened, beautiful?”
She didn’t say a word, only turned around and walked inside. She led him down the hall and into her bedroom. Sitting down on the edge of her bed, she held something up in the air. He grabbed it and stared at it for a few seconds, unsure of what it was.
“It’s a pregnancy test,” she sobbed. “And it’s positive.”
An Alpha’s Command
Niev wasn’t sure what she should do. Blake stood as still as a statue in front of her, holding the pregnancy test in his hands. He hadn’t moved a muscle for at least ten minutes, and he wasn’t showing any kind of reaction–good or bad. He looked down into his hands and stared at the test. She wasn’t even sure if he was still breathing.
Not getting a reaction at all was even worse than him walking out or yelling at her. It was pure torture. She wanted to touch him, wanted him to say something but she was afraid to make it even worse. All she could do was to wait for him to process the information. Hell, even she hadn’t fully wrapped her head around this whole pregnancy thing. She had a baby inside of her and she couldn’t even believe it was true.
He fell on his knees and looked up to her, his face still showing no emotion. “How?”