Page 33 of The Wolf Slayer
“You look breathtaking.”
She walked down the steps, off the front porch and toward the wolf. She slowly lifted her hand and touched him behind his ears as she would with a dog. Blake started humming and nudged her belly. With him laying down, his shoulders reached up to her hips and his head was at least as big as her arm was long.
“You’re so beautiful… so handsome.”
She leaned against him and buried her face in his neck. His fur was so soft and smooth that she didn’t want to stop petting him ever. He hummed and purred the whole time, seeming to enjoy being pampered.
“I don’t think I want to do anything else today. Nothing can be better than this. Why even bother doing anything else?”
He slowly shook his head, gently licked her cheek with his enormous tongue, and backed away from her. She watched as his body started blurring. She heard bones crack, muscles rip, and skin tear and within a blink of an eye, Blake stood in front of her, completely naked. She couldn’t take her gaze of his gorgeous physique and his soft, tanned skin. He looked breathtaking and knowing that he was hers, her heart skipped a beat. He reached down to his feet, slipped into his jeans, and pulled a tight black t-shirt over his head.
“I’m glad I didn’t scare you away. I wasn’t sure if it was too much and was worried you might faint or run away screaming in terror.”
“You’re as handsome of a wolf as you are as a man.”
His cheeks tinged pink, and she wasn’t sure if he was actually blushing, or if her mind was playing tricks on her.
“I thought it might be good for you to see one of us before we run into one.” He turned to his bike and sat on it. “Are you ready?”
“Yes, I’ll follow wherever you take me.” She quickly climbed behind him and wrapped her arms around him.
Blake drove her back to the village. They passed the metal gate where Seth had stopped them the day before and drove deep into the forest. She was eager to see the little village again. So as soon as she could see the curve ahead that hid the clearing and the village, her heart started racing. It was as beautiful as she remembered. As they entered the clearing, an inner peace calmed her. It felt like she was home.
Instead of driving into the village, Blake stopped the bike a few yards past the curve. She climbed off and admired the village while Blake got off his bike. Today she saw a few more people walking around, and she could see children running throughout the village. Blake took her hand in his and entangled his fingers with hers. He led her to the tree line and to a hidden footpath.
As they followed the path, Blake explained, “Some of us like to live close to nature, even though for you the village might seem close enough, for some it’s not–it feels like a big city for them. Christa lived among humans for a while. She explored modern medicine before she became our healer. For you we might seem to be stuck in the past, but I hope she can be of help for you anyway.”
Christa’s cabin was different from all other houses Niev had seen so far. Instead of clearing a spot for her house, she’d built it around nature. It was designed to fit in between the trees and because of that was oddly shaped. Christa was an older woman with long brown hair, streaked with grays. She seemed to be a very joyous woman with a warm, welcoming face. She sat on a tree stump in front of her house, smiling and waiting for Blake and Niev to come closer.
“What a wonderful surprise to see you, Blake.” She slightly bowed her head toward Blake before she looked at Niev. “And who are you, my love?”
Niev stretched her hand out and Christa took it with a strong grip. “It’s nice to meet you, Christa. I’m Niev.”
Christa’s smile deepened. “Nieves, the old Lady of the Snow.”
It blew Niev’s mind that Christa knew where her name originated from. Her parents’ last name was Snow, so they’d searched for a name with a connection to that.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Now tell me, how can I help you two? I’m sure you didn’t just come here for a cup of tea.”
“We should go inside.” Blake’s voice was a little cold and resonated the same authority that Niev had heard in Seth’s voice.
“Of course, we should.” Christa slightly bowed her head toward Blake again and walked inside her house.
Niev would’ve expected to enter a living room, similar to Blake’s cabin. Instead, she entered a room that reminded her of a doctor’s office. To her right was an examination table and a glass cabinet stocked with medical instruments, all kinds of syringes and bandages. To her left was a couch, an armchair, and a bookshelf that filled the wall, packed with all kinds of medical books.
Christa sat down on the armchair and pointed at the couch. “Let’s talk.”
Niev followed her and sat opposite her on the couch. Blake didn’t follow; he crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the door.
“How can I help you, my love?” Christa asked, lovingly excited.
Niev hesitated, not sure how or where she should start. “Well Blake said I should meet you in case I ever need you. You see, I’m pregnant.”
Christa’s face lit up and she clapped her hands together in excitement. “That’s wonderful news. It’s wise of Blake to bring you to me so we can get to know each other. I’m assuming this is your first child?”
Niev nodded.
“You must have so many questions. Do you know how far along you are?”