Page 36 of The Wolf Slayer
“Of course.” And added with a smile, “but only if you don’t bite.”
His serious face lit up for a split second in surprise and amusement before his jaw set again. Niev followed Seth out the back toward the treehouse. They walked in silence until they reached the tree where Seth leaned against it and looked down at her. His face was a mixture of emotions that Niev couldn’t quite read.
“I’d like to apologize to you for what I did yesterday.”
That caught Niev off guard, Seth didn’t seem like the apologetic type. “You don’t need to apologize for anything.”
After Blake had revealed who and what his family was, she’d understood Seth’s reasoning for his actions. She knew that he’d tried to protect his family and his pack.
“You don’t understand what I was willing to do to you. If Blake hadn’t fought me, he would’ve left you and your child.” His voice broke off and he didn’t seem to be able to talk further about it.
She’d suspected what Seth’s demand would’ve done to her and Blake’s life, but it hadn’t become a reality.
“I understand what could’ve happened, but it didn’t. So, I won’t waste my time and energy thinking about something that could’ve been. I understand your motives. You had lives to protect and to you I was a threat. I might still be a threat in your eyes.” She shrugged her shoulders, her hands in her pockets. “I don’t need you to apologize for doing something you were born to do. So save your breath for something more important.”
They stood in silence for a while, and she had a chance to study him closer. He had the same green eyes she’d seen in Mayra’s painting. In real life they seemed tired, they had lost some of their spark.Dark circles underlined his eyes. Something was weighing heavy on him. He was trying to hide it with his stoic expression, but Niev could see past his façade.
“Are you okay?”
She wasn’t sure if he would answer or if she was even allowed to ask such a question to a future alpha. If she and Blake decided to stay and live with the pack, Seth soon would beheralpha. She had no idea how to act toward him or if her question was inappropriate or rude in any way. She just now realized that she would be his subject. With her entering his world and his pack, she wouldhaveto obey him and Blake’s father. She hadn’t thought about that, and it made her uncomfortable. It seemed as if her free will was about to fade away. It made her question her choice to stay with the pack.
“I’m good.”
“If you say so, but I heard lying isn’t a good characteristic for a leader.”
Now she was sure she was out of line. Yet, she knew she wouldn’t get in much trouble. She hadn’t yet joined his pack as far as she knew. So for now, she could say anything she wanted to him. For now, he was just her brother-in-law.
A smirk flickered over his face. “I now understand why Blake has chosen you.” Then his face became serious again. “You shouldn’t worry about me.”
He was about to walk back to the house, but she stopped him with a hand on his upper arm. He turned toward her and crooked an eyebrow. She quickly let go of him afraid she’d taken it too far. She looked down to her feet not wanting him to see her face.
“Blake said that your word–or that of your father–is like an order others will have to obey, no matter how they feel about it.”
Before she could talk any further, he interrupted her. “And Blake’s word, the alpha blood flows through his veins too, giving him the same authority as me.”
She’d left out the part about Blake’s alpha authority, unsure of just how sensitive Seth was to the whole subject. She’d had her suspicions that Blake had the same ability as Seth, but she didn’t want Seth to think Blake was using it in any way.
“Will it hurt to obey you?”
Seth took a deep breath and leaned back against the tree. He didn’t seem surprised by the question, though he seemed to have trouble finding the right words. “It could if you didn’t want to obey the command you were given. If the command goes against your beliefs and you decide to fight it, it will hurt you. You saw what happened to Blake yesterday.”
Though she tried to hide her horror he saw it and added, “I don’t use my alpha voice lightly. I’ve had a few thoughts on it myself. I’m not even sure if a command would even work on you.It isn’t uncommon for other wolves to join a new pack. They naturally become the alpha’s subject because of their wolf blood. You on the other hand, have no wolf blood, so that makes me question if you can ever fully be an alpha’s subject. Our commands might not even work for you.”
“How will we find out? Can you give me a small command to see if it works?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I could but I won’t. I’m in no position to command you. And that won’t change until you make your decision. Until you, with all your heart, want to be with us and join the pack.”
She was relieved. Even though she wanted to be part of Blake’s life and his family, she hadn’t thought of the deeper, scarier consequences of her choice. She would eventually accept being a subject, but she had to prepare herself. She would do anything for Blake, and if he could be his father’s and brother’s subject, even with all the pain it inherited, she could do the same.
“Thank you, Seth–for being honest with me.”
“As you said, lying isn’t a good quality for a leader.”
He separated from the tree and walked back toward the house. Following him, she saw Blake waiting for her by the glass doors.
“Lyliann, my mate, would like to invite you to our house. I believe she said something about tea and cake.” He looked down on her stomach. “Of course, only if you feel up to it, Lyliann was always so tired and exhausted during her pregnancy.”
“I would love to meet her. Will I meet your son?”