Page 45 of The Wolf Slayer
“I won’t waste my time and energy on it. If I’d been in his position, I would’ve done the same. I was a threat, and I’m sure somewhere in the back of his mind I still am a threat. He had his people to protect. I won’t hate him for doing what he was born to do. If I could’ve saved a hundred people by destroying one single life, I would’ve done so. I know it may be different for you and I don’t judge you for it. I cannot imagine what he put you through, what he made you feel. You have all the right to be angry with him. I’m not asking you to forgive him, but I have.”
He didn’t answer or look at her, and he continued to do so for the rest of the drive. She was sure he hated her for what she’d said and how she thought. Her view on the subject must seem like a betrayal and she wasn’t sure if he could forgive her.
As they pulled onto her street, Blake looked at her for the first time in close to two hours. “Your strength amazes me. I wish I could be as strong as you, but I cannot forgive him.”
“Your situation is completely different from mine. I may not have been able to forgive him if I were you. I may have even ripped his throat out.” She gently squeezed his hand and drove onto the parking lot of her apartment.
She parked the truck next to Berta and climbed out. Blake walked around the hood and took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. She unlocked the door of her apartment and walked straight into Jason. He was, as usual, barely dressed and looked like he hadn’t slept all night.
He looked down at her and a smile arose on his tired face. “Hi there, fancy seeing you again.” He then looked over her shoulder and once he noticed Blake behind her, his muscles tensed up. “What the fuck is he doing here? I thought you dumped his stupid ass?”
She sighed. She knew he would make a scene and had hoped he would be out for the day. “I did, and it was a mistake.”
“So, you were with him the last two nights? What did he do to you–fuck your brains out?”
“I would prefer it if you didn’t talk to her like that,” Blake said calmly as he stepped beside her and closed the door behind them.
“And I would prefer it if you stopped messing with my friend’s feelings.” Jason stepped closer to Blake as if he was getting ready for a fight. “You have no idea what you put her through. She’s not a toy you can throw to the side and make false promises to. She fell for you and all you gave her was a fucking heartache and lame ass calls.”
“Niev and I talked about it and things will change from now on.”
“Jason, I know you just wanna help but please just let it go.” Niev admired him for standing up to Blake and she wished she could explain the whole situation to him. Stepping closer to him, she tried to keep her voice calm as not to escalate the situation. “Look, Blake understands that he hurt me, and we have talked about it. I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’ve made my choice.”
Jason’s eyes were fixed on her as he thought about her words. “Fine, but if he ever hurts you again, I’ll fuck him up.”
Jason stepped aside so Niev could go to her room. Blake followed her and to her surprise he seemed relaxed. He even had a smirk on his face.
She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
“If he only knew who he was talking to.” His smirk widened into a grin. “He would lose his head before he would be able to touch me.”
Niev closed her bedroom door behind him. “Are you that much stronger than he is?” She tried to keep her voice down. Even with the door closed she didn’t want Jason to hear them.
“Stronger and much faster than humans.”
“I don’t think he’ll take it well when we tell him I’m moving out.”
“Don’t worry about it. I can handle him.”
“Maybe we can start packing now and just put the things in the truck later when he’s gone. I still need to go to my job to talk to my boss.”
Blake looked around, a little uncertain. “Is all of this yours?”
“Everything but the furniture. The apartment is his. I only rent the room from him. When I came here, I didn’t have much money and he needed someone to help him out with bills. He let me use his furniture and I was able to save up money.” She walked to her closet and got out her suitcase. She laid it out on the bed and started folding her clothes.
“How long ago did you move here?”
“I came when I was nineteen, so five years ago.”
Surprised Blake’s eyebrows shot up. “You lived here with him for five years?”
“Yes. At first, I felt uncomfortable around him. He’s always been very open about his sexuality, and I grew up in a small town where those things were very taboo.”
He sat on the bed and watched her closely.
“It took me a while to be okay with all his company and wild nights. He was always good to me, never overstepped a line or made me uncomfortable. I know he’s a little extra, but he’s a good guy, just enjoying his life a little differently than I would.”
“You two never had sex?” he asked, his voice dripping with jealousy.