Page 66 of The Wolf Slayer
Niev opened her arms and ran toward him. He slowed down, and her arms wrapped around his neck.
“I missed you! Will you stay for dinner? Oh, please do stay.”
Blake leaned forward and gently licked her cheek.
“You must be so exhausted. If you don’t stay the night voluntarily, I might have to force you.”
“Oh that’s something I must stay to watch. What will you do? Tie him down?” Tristan blurted out laughing.
Blake laid down in front of Niev and leaned his ear against her belly. His heart raced in anticipation. Her strong heart was beating and the blood flowed through her veins. He listened carefully and heard the sound he was waiting for, the quiet, stuttering sound of a smaller heart. He laid there listening to his child’s heartbeat while letting Niev caress his other ear. The heart was pumping much faster than Niev’s and after each beat, he could hear an echo of that same beat. He’d never paid much attention to an unborn child’s heartbeat. He’d never been around his sister or sister-in-law much during their pregnancies, but the sound fascinated him, and he couldn’t get enough of it.
Niev’s gentle voice pulled him out of his daydream. “Um, Blake?”
He looked up into her face.
“Can we cuddle more later? I kinda need to pee.”
A blush creeping up her neck, her face shadowed with embarrassment. Blake stepped back and gave her a nudge toward the main house. She quickly walked toward the house and disappeared inside. He walked alongside Tristan back to the main house where he found a pair of jeans by the corner and shifted.
Nodding toward the backpack, Blake asked, “Is that all she wanted?”
“For now, but I think she’s being shy.”
“Most likely. I see you two are getting along well?”
“She’s great! I understand why you have fallen for her.” Tristan must have seen Blake’s warning eyes on him and threw his hands in the air. “Don’t worry, I won’t fight you for her–I’m too afraid of her.” He laughed, but something about him was different, and Blake couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
“Tristan?” Blake’s mother stepped out of the house. “Oh great, I thought I heard your voice. Would you like to join us for our little celebration dinner?”
“I would love to, but I have to get back to the border.”
“Oh okay. I’m sure we’ll hold a bigger celebration after all this is over.”
Tristan let her hug him before he quickly disappeared into the woods. Something about Tristan’s behavior worried Blake. He usually wasn’t one to walk out of the main house without stuffing his mouth, and especially not without saying goodbye to Blake.
His mother seemed to have noticed it too. “I’m sure it’s just this whole situation. Everyone is a little on edge right now.” She gently squeezed his arm and walked inside.
Blake followed her and saw that Niev and Lyliann were already setting the table.
Niev saw him coming inside and lifted her hands over her head. “I swear I’ll just place the plates and then sit next to Layla.”
He walked to her and laid his arms around her shoulders, hugging her from behind. “Do what makes you happy as long as you don’t feel like it wears you out.”
She set down the last plate and grabbed the cutlery. He let go of her and helped, matching a glass with each plate on the table.
“Will you stay for a little bit tonight?” Her question almost sounded like a plea.
“Yes, no need to tie me down and force me to stay.”
That brought a bright smile to her face. She looked beautiful, her tight shirt hugging her stomach. She was still fairly early in her pregnancy, but Blake couldn’t wait for her to start showing. It gave him a sense of pride knowing that she was carrying his child. She must have noticed his eyes, because her smile brightened even more as she started rubbing her belly.
“Lyliann gave us a box of newborn clothes.” Even though she seemed happy she teared up a little. “I haven’t had much time to look through it yet. Maybe we can do it later together?”
“I would love to.”
She turned around to hide her tears and walked to the kitchen. Blake followed her, unsure if he’d upset her in any way.