Page 82 of The Wolf Slayer
“Does your father know that?”
“I always thought he understood my reasoning but now I’m less sure he understands why I did what I did. I’m also afraid that people might think that now that I’ve found you, I want to challenge Seth to become alpha.”
“Maybe after all this is over you can talk to Seth and your father. Make them understand why you’re holding back and don’t want to be part of any decision making.”
“After all this is over, we are going to hide in our cabin and never come out again. I hate being separated from you.”
She grinned, heat rising to her cheeks. “I would love that very much. We could read lots of parenting books so we don’t look like headless chickens when the twins arrive.”
He laughed and laid his arm around her shoulders as he walked her down the path that led them to Christa’s cabin. “We could start by clearing out the spare room to make room for the nursery. It’s small, but it should be fine for the first year or so. Babies don’t need a lot of space–or do they?”
“You’re asking me as if I know the answer.”
They both giggled.
Being so close to Blake was amazing. She felt comfortable around him, and he eased her anxiety about her future, especially about having twins. She felt as if she could do anything and everything with him by her side.
“A Dead Alpha Is No Use To His Warriors”
Christa was busying herself in front of her cabin as Niev and Blake approached. She seemed tired, but in a good mood.
“If you two are looking for Tristan, I just sent him home with his mother.”
“How is he doing?” Relief trickled through Niev’s mind. If Tristan was well enough to be sent home, he must have recovered without complications.
“He healed as if nothing ever happened to him.” Christa’s face changed, her eyebrows fusing. “What brings you two to me? I would’ve thought you would rest more after last night’s events.”
Niev could feel Blake’s muscles stiffen as he nudged toward the front door. “Shall we go inside so I can explain why we’re here?”
Her worry deepening, Christa nodded and went inside with Niev and Blake following close behind her. Sitting on the couch, Niev listened as Blake explained to Christa what had been decided.
Christa didn’t seem happy about it but didn’t argue against it. “We should make sure you eat and drink enough throughout the day. It will give you the energy your body needs to heal itself from the blood loss you will be experiencing while healing all those men.”
She went to her cabinet and grabbed a few instruments that Niev recognized to be used to measure someone’s blood pressure.
“I would like to measure your blood pressure and pulse now and throughout the day. My main concern today will be to keep you healthy.”
Niev nodded and sat quietly as Christa measured her blood pressure and pulse. Blake sat next to her. Still tense and uneasy, he watched the two women.
Niev gently took his hand in hers and soothingly ran her thumb over his. “I’ll be fine.”
“I know. I just don’t like to use you like this. It feels wrong.”
“Try seeing it from a different point of view. I’m helping you and all the other wolves to keep me and the babies safe. I heal them to make sure they are strong enough to outlast the fight and to be able to return home to their families in one piece.”
He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “We don’t deserve your kindness.”
She was about to answer when the door opened, and Tanner walked in. He was barefoot and only wearing shorts. “Where would you like me to take a seat?”
Niev took a moment to think about it before answering. “Did you bring some of the men with you?”
Tanner nodded.
“Would you allow me to heal you outside? I think it will ease their minds if they see how it’s done.”
Tanner nodded again. “Very well.”
Niev stood up and walked outside followed by Tanner, Blake, and Christa. With everyone watching, she pointed at the stump and nervously said, “Please sit, Alpha Tanner.” To her relief her voice was strong and not shaky in the slightest.