Page 89 of The Wolf Slayer
Blake let his wolf’s instincts take full control. His animalistic instincts didn’t care about the wolf or who he was. His wolf didn’t care if he had a mate and children. He just knew that the wolf had to die for the survival of his own pack. He sank his teeth deep in the enemy’s throat and ripped it out.
He turned to Tristan and saw him struggling to keep the other wolf at bay. Blake jumped on the wolf’s back, bit his neck and broke it, letting his lifeless body fall to the ground, while getting back into the formation. He and Tristan weren’t the only ones being attacked. The Skadu Wolves were trying to breach the circle to break free. The Timber Pack outnumbered the Skadu Wolves, so they were simply trying to escape.
His father was still fighting Alpha Loren, although his father was overpowering him. He’d been healed by Niev and so he had no old wounds or injuries holding him back. He was defending himself without actually attacking, tiring Alpha Loren out. His father hated violence and only used it when absolutely necessary. Even in his fighting style, his philosophy could be seen. He only struck when his opponent attacked. Seth and Bill now patrolled around the fighting alphas, holding off the Skadu Wolves that were trying to intervene. They knew their alpha was doomed. Suddenly, his father did something unexpected–he attacked without being provoked. He launched and sunk his teeth in Alpha Loren’s neck, forcing him to the ground and defeating him.
‘Seth, Blake, keep him under control.’
Blake quickly ran to his father’s side. He and Seth both sank their claws in Alpha Loren’s shoulders forcing him to stay on the ground. His father stepped back and quickly shifted.
“Alpha Loren, shift so we can discuss your surrender.”
Alpha Loren didn’t obey, instead he growled and showed his canines. At the same time, his warriors launched forward in a last-ditch effort to take the upper hand. Their numbers had shrunk significantly, and most were severely injured. It was easy for the Timber Wolves to overpower them.
“Alpha Loren, accept your loss and shift.”
His father’s voice was calm, yet stern, but Blake saw that he was fighting with himself. Blake was sure he knew why: his father was still trying to find a peaceful solution that didn’t involve killing Alpha Loren. An alpha’s death would leave a pack without leadership and a pack without it wouldn’t be able to survive for long. Wolves needed leadership. In an instant, his father had made up his mind, or rather his wolf had for him, he shifted and launched forward, ripping Alpha Loren’s throat out.
Howls of pain echoed through the clearing as the Skadu Pack recognized the loss of their alpha. His father shifted back into his human form, looking at the lifeless wolf in front of him. Guilt and regret were written all over his face as he shifted his attention to the wolves around him.
“Does Alpha Loren have an heir?”
The wolves stopped howling and the clearing fell silent. It took a few minutes before a wolf close to Bill shifted and came forward.
“Alpha Loren has no heir.”
His father nodded and again addressed the wolves surrounding him. “I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve tried to find a peaceful solution before turning to these drastic measures. I understand what this will cause your pack, and so I’m offering everyone, who is willing, a new home here. If you’re willing to join my pack, I’ll promise to provide for and protect you. Your women and children were left unharmed and escaped into the woods. You’re free to find them and take time to decide with them. I won’t set a time limit on my offer. You’re all welcome to take as much time as you need, days, weeks, months, or even years…”
A Great Sacrifice
‘Blake, I need you.’
Niev’s voice swept through Blake’s mind, the fear radiating from her words making him flinch. In four simple words he could hear that she was scared for her life. His wolf’s instincts took over immediately, his paws running toward her. Everything else around him no longer mattered. He felt Seth’s mind push against his and Blake shared with him what he had just experienced. At first Seth was confused, then he was just as alarmed as Blake. Lyliann and Darron were with Niev and if she was in danger so were they.
‘Follow Blake and make sure the women are safe,’his father’s command was sent out to Michael, Seth, Tristan, and ten other warriors.
‘Forgive me!’
Niev’s emotions had changed. She felt remorse, guilt, and sadness but overall, she felt courageous. Blake pushed himself even more. He needed to get to her, to her and their unborn children. He could hear Seth doing the same. Blake had never felt such fear in his life. He wasn’t and would never be ready to lose her. She was his everything, his whole world. His muscles ached, his paws hurt as he slammed them into the ground. He could sense Seth’s and Michael’s worry for their own women. Even Tristan feared for them.
They finally broke through the tree line surrounding the village, sprinting up the hill to the main house. A pained woman’s scream made them push themselves to an even higher speed.
Seth opened his mind to everyone as they sped to the house.‘Tristan, Michael–through the front door with two other warriors. Blake and I will take the back entrance with three others. Everyone else secures the surroundings.’
Blake was the first to arrive at the glass doors. An overwhelming scent of an unknown wolf and blood hit him like a brick wall as he came closer. Pushing his head through the glass doors he prepared to fight.
What he saw broke his heart. It was Niev’s lifeless body buried under a huge white wolf, and blood all over the floor. He shifted and ran toward her, trying not to fall over the chaos of broken furniture surrounding them. He sank to his knees as he reached her. Seth came in, directing the men to search the downstairs, while Michael and Tristan ran upstairs toward the screams.
“Blake, we need to get the wolf off her. She’s being crushed by his weight.” Seth’s voice was gentle but urgent.
As Seth and Blake lifted the wolf up, they listened to what was going on upstairs.They heard doors opening and footsteps searching until they heard Layla’s weak and exhausted voice.
“Michael you’re here.”
“Yes, my moonlight. How could I miss the birth of my child?”
Blake could feel relief spread through the air. Layla wasn’t being attacked or tortured–she was in labor.
“Mayra, where is Lyliann?”Michael asked calmly.