Page 13 of A True Mate Bond
Blake came up from behind her and rubbed her stomach. “Soon we’ll need to buy you some new clothes.”
“I think I still have a little time till I actually grow a bump.”
He chuckled. “Before you even know it, you won’t be able to see your toes anymore.”
She laughed, trying to picture herself waddling around. “When that happens, you’ll need to put my socks on and tie my shoes.”
“Anything for you.” He kissed her cheek and got dressed himself.
The rain was still pouring outside so she grabbed her raincoat and boots. “Can you drive me to the village so I can see Christa?”
“Of course, I can. How are Brandon and Elias doing?”
“I healed Elias’ wounds.” Sadness overcame her as she remembered his face. “He thought that I could grow his arm back, so all his hopes were shattered yesterday.”
“He’s still very young, and I’m sure with time he’ll get used to it.”
“I know. It was just so heartbreaking to see all his hopes fade away.”
Blake took her hand and they both walked out onto the porch. The rain was pouring down, so Niev pulled her hood deep over her face and started running to the truck. Of course, Blake was there before her and had already opened the door, helping her climb inside. She watched as Blake ran around the truck and got into the driver’s seat.
“What about Brandon?” he asked, started the engine, and drove off.
“Christa wants to see if his body will heal on its own, but he wants me to heal him. Christa is skeptical. She’s afraid if we move him so I can access the spinal cord we can worsen the injury and rob him of the chance for good healing. He’s given her until this morning to see if he has healed at least a little bit before he wants me to give it a try.”
“Have you thought about how you want to heal him?”
“I was thinking of drawing blood and injecting it into his back, like we did with Bear’s ribs.”
“Why do you think she’s hesitant toward you healing him?”
“Maybe because she’s afraid my blood has certain limits–just like it wasn’t able to regrow Elias’ arm.”
They both fell silent for the rest of the drive. He only broke it when they were approaching the village. “Would you like me to walk you to Christa’s cabin?”
“No, I’ll be fine. When will you come pick me up later?”
“I should be back before lunch. I want to take care of a few things before I come to get you.”
“Will you take me to visit the Skadu members later?”
He sighed, seemingly unhappy about it. “If that’s what you want, I’ll take you there.”
As he parked the truck by the footpath leading to Christa’s house, she leaned in and softly kissed his cheek.
“Thank you.”
She quickly got out of the truck and walked into the forest. As soon as she was covered by the trees the rain lessened. She made her way to the cabin and gently knocked on the door.
Not even a minute later Christa opened the door and greeted her with a warm smile. “Come in, daughter of Snow.”
“I’m sorry I came so late. I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning.”
“There is no need to apologize.”
“How are Brandon and Elias doing?”
“Elias has already gone home, and Brandon is impatient as always. He has been asking for you.”