Page 21 of A True Mate Bond
“I would like to keep them a secret from the rest of the pack, if that is okay with you?”
“You know I’m fine with that. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind people knowing about them, I just mind the way they treat me.”
“I know and that’s why I’ve asked everyone who already knows to keep it a secret.”
“Thank you. Have you thought of names yet?” she asked curiously.
“I’ve thought about some warrior names.”
He grabbed their plates from the cupboard behind him and handed them to her. As she started plating their food, he continued, suddenly feeling a little insecure. He loved the names she’d chosen but was afraid she wouldn’t like his.
“For a girl I thought Grace, Kyda, Emlyn, Lou or Malou and for a boy maybe Ario, Keon or Andro.”
“You’re making this very difficult,” she said lightheartedly and handed him his plate. With a beaming smile on her face, she walked to the couch where he sat next to her.
“We still have a few more months and hopefully Christa can find a way to determine their gender.”
“Do you have something like gender reveal parties or baby showers?”
He had no clue what she was talking about. “Are you trying to tell me that you have a party in which the baby is showered in front of everyone?”
She started laughing and shook her head. “No, the baby shower happens before the baby is born. Everyone, friends and family, come together and celebrate the parents-to-be. They give gifts and enjoy one last party together before the baby is born and the parents are no longer free to do whatever they like. The gender reveal is a party in which the gender of the baby is revealed. It usually happens before the baby shower. Everyone comes together and plays games where they try to figure out what gender it is before the parents reveal it. Sometimes the parents don’t even know and have a friend reveal it to them.”
“We don’t really do it like that. The gender is revealed after the birth and word just spreads without an actual announcement. We do give the mother-to-be gifts for the baby, but they are often just handed to her when you see her. Was that something you looked forward to when you thought about your pregnancy?”
She sighed and put her empty plate to the side. “I did, but I also never thought I would be indestructible or join a pack of werewolves. My outlook on my future and what I was expecting and wanted has changed quite a bit. Right now, I’m just happy we’re both alive and our babies are safe.”
He took her hand and pulled her into a hug. “Even if the circumstances have changed, I don’t want you to dismiss your old wishes. I’m sure we can organize something for you.”
They cuddled on the couch until she fell asleep in his arms. He gently picked her up and carried her to the bed, wrapping her up in the covers. He quickly changed into his pajamas and laid next to her falling asleep to the rhythm of her three heartbeats.
The next morning, Blake woke up to Niev sprinting to the bathroom. He quickly followed her, wanting to make sure she was okay. She’d yet to show any sign of morning sickness, so he gently knocked on the bathroom door.
“Beautiful, are you alright?”
He heard the toilet flush, and the water run before she opened the door and looked up at him with sleepy eyes. “Yes, I just really needed to pee.”
Taking his hand, she pulled him back to bed where she cuddled up to him. Letting his fingers run through her hair, he was able to soothe her back to sleep.
Not wanting to go back to sleep himself, he watched over her as she dozed off. His dreams had been dark and vivid. He didn’t want to fall asleep again and relive the nightmares he’d been dreaming. Since the final attack, he had trouble shaking off the images of what he’d seen and what he’d done. Especially after meeting Olivia yesterday, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the mates and families that had lost their loved ones because of him. He knew he’d done the right thing for his own pack by killing those wolves, but he’d also brought great sorrow to others in return.
He understood better than ever why his father always sought out a peaceful solution and why he’d fought for it for so long. While in his wolf form, Blake hadn’t cared for any of this but now that he had the time to think and process all of it, it weighed heavy on his heart.He felt Niev wiggle and looked down to see her looking up at him.
“What is bothering you?”
He sighed and shook his head, not wanting to burden her with what he’d done. His actions and their consequences weren’t hers to worry about.
She reached her hand up and caressed his cheek. “Please tell me.”
“I don’t want to burden you even more.”
“You don’t burden me. Please just tell me what it is.”
He didn’t like this, but he also knew she wouldn’t rest till he told her what it was. “The fight with the Skadu Wolves won’t let me go.”
“What about it bothers you?”
“The two lives that I took and the consequences it had for their families.”