Page 45 of A True Mate Bond
Seth stepped toward Niev and pulled her into a hug, something he’d reserved only for his close family. He turned his head to Blake and explained.
“The window frames in the bathroom and bedrooms need to be replaced. If it were up to me, I’d just do all the windows in the house.” He let go of Niev and stepped back.
Niev still seemed in shock as she took in all the work they had done. “Why do they need to be replaced?”
“Some of them are chewed up by wood beetles and the one in the bathroom is moldy. I think it’s because the shower wasn’t properly installed or at least, not up to today’s standards.”
She pointed at the living room windows. “But these are fine?”
Seth nodded. “For now they are, but will need to be replaced in a year or two anyways.”
Another argument started between Kai and Seth in which Niev started to move toward the back of the cabin. He followed her to the bathroom, his hand on her lower back.
“It still looks a mess, but we’ll fix it all up and put it back together the way you want it.”
She looked up at him with her beautiful blue eyes. “And you. This is your home too, you know.”
“I know it is, but I want this to be perfect for you.”
“So, if I decide on a pink and purple tile with roses and flowers you would approve.”
“Of course.” But secretly, he hoped she would pick something more tasteful than that.
“But you wouldn’t like it,” she stated, knowing him far too well.
“We’ll let you two love birds be then.” They both turned around to Tristan, who was now waving them goodbye.
“Thank you all!” Niev waved and watched them leave one by one until only Seth remained.
He looked a little indecisive before opening his mouth. “Niev, I said this to Blake earlier, but I wanted to say it to you too. I’m sorry for what father has asked of you and I’m also sorry for pulling you into it by asking for your opinion.”
“Don’t worry about it, but please don’t be mad at us for wanting to keep out of all of this.”
“I’m not upset with you. I just wanted to let you know that the woman, the one whose mate you killed…” He paused, trying to remember the name.
“Olivia?” she asked.
“Yes, her. She has asked about you. I don’t believe she’s angry with you, but you must have left an impression on her. She wanted to know if it were possible for you two to see each other again. I told her it was up to you, and that I would relay the message.”
“Thank you, Seth.”
Seth nodded and left, leaving them both to themselves. She stayed silent, leaning her small frame against Blake’s as she thought about Seth’s words and Olivia’s request. Knowing her, she would agree to meet Olivia. Her guilt and caring heart wouldn’t let her deny such a wish.
He broke the silence first, wanting to pull her away from her own thoughts. “Do you want to stay or go to the store?”
“Store sounds like a good plan. We can’t do much here anyways.”
The rest of the afternoon was amazing. They were having so much fun going through the aisles and getting to know each other. Not only that, it was nice having worry-free time with her. All they needed to think about was themselves–no one else. Niev seemed so much more relaxed and content. Her aura was even bubbly.
On their way home, he noticed that Niev seemingly became more and more nervous. It wasn’t so much how she acted but rather he could feel it, if only just slightly. He took her hand in his and let his thumb gently caress her.
“What is on your mind?”
“Tonight’s celebration. I’m just a little nervous that’s all, but I’m still excited.” She paused briefly. “Will I feel anything like I felt at the funeral?”
“One of the boys might shift tonight. With their consecration, they are officially joining the pack as a full member. We as wolves feel it as their mind merges with ours. I’ve never asked my mother or sister if it’s the same for them.”
“I’m a little jealous, I must say. I would love to be able to hear you and share my mind with your wolf.”