Page 48 of A True Mate Bond
She took a closer look at the lanterns and saw that they were all different sizes, shapes, and colors. “Who makes the lanterns?”
“The children usually.”
Another thought crossed her mind. “Please don’t think I’m stupid, but I have another question.”
“I would never think of you that way.”
“Where is your pack’s school?”
“The mothers come together and teach the children at home. Usually, each mother takes over a certain subject and the children are divided by their age.”
“Oh okay.” That thought terrified her, being not only her children’s teacher, but also others.
“That scares you, doesn’t it?” His voice was soft and gentle, his lips still caressing her neck.
She nodded. “I didn’t even think about that. Why does parenthood have to be so scary?”
“I wish I could take away your fears and tell you there is nothing to worry about. For now, we just have to comfort ourselves with the thought that we’re not alone. We have each other and we can do this one step at a time.”
With tears in her eyes, she turned around and wrapped her arms around him. She pressed her lips against his, seeking his comfort and soaking in his love before remembering they weren’t alone. She blushed and looked down to her feet.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
He smiled and took her hand leading her toward Layla and Lyliann. They were standing by the edge of the clearing where one of the tree branches hung down lower than the others.
As they came closer, Alizia and Darron ran toward them, spreading their arms. Alizia jumped on Blake while Darron ran into Niev. She picked him up and kissed his forehead.
“Do you need help hanging up your lantern?”she asked.
He nodded and pointed at one that Lyliann was holding. Niev walked over to her and was welcomed with a hug.
“How are you feeling, Niev?”
“I’m good, and you?”
She smiled and handed Darron the lit lantern. “I’m good. This man kept me on my toes today. He was far too excited to take a nap.”
“We might need to take one together, Darron. I’ve been so tired, and no amount of sleep seems to please me.”
Lyliann laughed knowingly. “I can’t imagine being you right now. You’re already showing!”
“Soon you’ll only see me wearing dresses. These are the only jeans that fit me right now. At least, that’s what it feels like.”
Layla stepped closer as Niev slightly lifted Darron up so he could hang up his little light. “I have a few maternity clothes that you can try out next time you come visit.”
“That’s very sweet of you, thank you.” Confused, Niev looked around. She wasn’t used to seeing Layla without a baby in her arms. “Where is Aaron?”
She pointed a few feet away where Michael was standing holding the tiny Aaron to his chest. “He has been busy carrying him around and showing him off. He’s just so proud. He did the same with Alizia.”
With Darron still in her arms Niev watched Blake kneel in front of Alizia and helped her light the candle inside of her lantern. He was so sweet and patient with her as he picked her up and sat her on his shoulders, taking her directions to find the perfect branch for her light. Her heart started racing, pumping pure love and joy through her veins. He was hers and she couldn’t wait for him to hold her two babies.
“There you two are.” She turned to see Tristan walking toward her. “I thought you would be the first to come here. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“We came a little later because we went out to the store this afternoon. I needed Blake to show me what he likes to eat.”
“That man is a human garbage disposal. You could stuff anything down his throat and he would be happy.”