Page 5 of A True Mate Bond
Christa held the door open, so Niev stepped inside. Brandon was an older man with a long gray beard, his short hair matching his beard’s color.
“I want to risk it. I trust you both to do it right and I want to try it.”
“Of course, you do Brandon, but I’m not sure,” Christa sighed.
“Is it not my choice?”
Christa seemed conflicted. Niev could see her weighing out the pros and cons in her head. “It’s your choice but please give my plan a few more days.”
Brandon seemed to be a rebellious man, his eyes resting stern on Christa. “Days in which I’ll be bound to this bed, unable to move.” He turned his head away, stared out the window, and grunted. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours. If nothing has changed by then, I’ll go with Niev’s plan.”
Christa, still looking reluctant, nodded her head and walked back out the door. Niev quickly followed her and felt bad for undermining her in front of her own patient.
“I am sorry, Christa. I shouldn’t have suggested it.”
“It’s not your fault. You weren’t aware that he was even listening.” She gave her a warm smile and led her to the second guest bedroom. “I’ve sedated Elias. He was in a lot of pain, both mentally and physically. Even though we heal fast, we can’t grow back missing limbs. He’s having a hard time accepting the fact that he’s no longer the same man he was just a few days ago.”
Christa opened the door and Niev could feel the color drain from her own face.Elias was young, looking around Niev’s age. She watched as Christa walked to his bed and leaned over his left arm that she’d wrapped in tight bandages.
“I’ve tried to do my best, but I’ve never taken care of such an injury. I’ve heard of procedures that modern day medicine uses but have no way of doing them here.”
Christa started to unwrap his arm stump and revealed a horrific looking wound. Niev had expected a clean cut, but it was as if someone had torn off his arm. Christa had tried to sew the skin back together, but it looked infected. Gooey, yellow liquid oozed from the wound.
Christa gave Niev a pleading look. “I know I’ve asked far more than I should of you, but would you be willing to see if your blood can at least heal his infection?”
Niev nodded without hesitation. “Should we ask for his permission?”
“He has already asked for you. He believes you can grow his arm back.” Her face turned motherly, and she lovingly caressed his cheek. “He’s so young, and to him, his future now seems dark.”
“His future will be as bright as the sun after he sees how special he is.”
Niev slowly stepped closer and grabbed a sharp knife, a few sterile cloths, disinfectant, and a few clean bandages from a table. She kneeled next to Elias and started to clean out the wound as best as she could while Christa was patting Elias’s forehead with a wet cloth.
Even though he was heavily sedated, his face was hard, as if he was in a lot of pain. Niev couldn’t imagine the struggle he was facing. He would have to relearn everything, and at least for the coming months would be depending on others helping him.
Niev worked silently on Elias’s wound while Christa gave him mental support and gently patted his forehead. After Niev removed all the gooey, yellow pus, she took the sharp knife in her hand and cut her palm like she’d done so many times before. Her blood slowly dripped into his wound and started working its magic.
Looking up at Christa, she said, “We should check on it later to see if it worked.”
Christa wrapped her arms around Niev and pulled her into a tight hug. “Thank you, for all that you’ve done for our pack.”
Niev blushed, not knowing how to respond and they both walked back to the front of her cabin. Kai was still patiently waiting for them.
“Kai, I see your bone needs to be realigned?”
A smirk spread on his face as he nodded. “That would be wonderful. I think I’m scaring the children a little too much walking around like this. It was also very painful to shift back after the fight.”
Christa turned to Niev. “How would you approach this?”
Niev took her time to think about it, not sure about her answer. “Since wolves heal faster I might wanna check if the bone has already started healing and grew back together?”
“Correct.” Christa injected a local anesthetic into Kai’s arm. “How would you do that?”
The first thing Niev thought about was an x-ray, but Christa wasn’t equipped for incidents like this. “Maybe wiggle his arm?” That answer seemed stupid, but she couldn’t think of anything better.
Christa and Kai exchanged an amused look before Christa gestured for her to come closer. “You’re right, no need to be shy. Be confident in your answers. If you seem confident, your patients will feel much safer.”
Christa grabbed a hold of Kai’s arm with one hand above and one beneath where it was broken, she quickly turned it. It cracked as Christa moved it until it was realigned.