Page 57 of A True Mate Bond
He was drilling in the last screw of the first bed when he heard a knock on the door and Tristan’s voice called for him.
“In the nursery.” He set the drill aside, stood up, and picked up the crib, placing it to the left side of the window. Thankfully he’d only set up one crib so far. Tristan didn’t know about the twins yet, and Blake wanted to keep it that way until Niev was ready to share their secret with everyone.
Tristan stepped into the nursery. “I like it.”
“Niev said no matter the gender, purple would be fitting. Especially if it’s just a little here and there.”
“I came to see if you needed help with anything else.” Tristan looked around. “But it seems you two have moved in quite well.”
“Niev has been busy the last few days decorating and unpacking. She’s barely left me with anything to do when I come home in the evening.”
“Were you able to figure out the leak in the kitchen?”
Blake nodded. “Yes. It was a little tricky and messy, but I found it.”
“What else are you going to do?”
“This was the last thing on my list today unless you want to help me clear up the outside?” Blake would have to set up the second crib later when Niev was home.
“Whatever you need help with, I am here.”
“We owe you.”
Blake meant it. Tristan had been by his side with the whole renovation day in and out. He’d stayed up past midnight with him for the last three weeks helping him and Niev move in.
“You owe me nothing. Niev saved my life. I’ll forever be in her debt.”
“Don’t let her hear that. She’ll say it’s nonsense and shrug it off.” Blake chuckled, and they both walked out into the afternoon sun. “I just want to clear up all the overgrowing plants and try to make them look a little neater.”
Tristan nodded and they both started weeding out the area in front of the house. An hour later, it looked better. Not perfect, but neater. They both had beads of sweat running down their faces and were out of breath.
Tristan sat on the stairs to the porch and looked up at him. “Fuck… your alpha made this shit look so easy.”
“Guess I’m grabbing the water for us then.” Blake grinned and walked inside before returning and handing Tristan a water bottle. “We have to get going soon too. I am sure Niev will be back soon, and Mother might need help preparing the dinner.”
“So, why are we having this big dinner?”
“Niev said it’s tradition and since you’re like a brother to her and she and Olivia have become friends, she wants you both to be part of it too.”
“Olivia told me she would be there too. She was super excited.” Tristan’s face lit up with happiness when he mentioned Olivia.
Blake had had his suspicions, but Tristan hadn’t yet shared whatever it was that was growing between him and Olivia. “So are you two seeing each other?”
Tristan blushed. “I’ve joined her on a walk or two. I kept seeing her walk by my house, so I decided to ask her if she wanted someone to walk with and show her around.”
Blake’s heart filled with love. Tristan was older than him and hadn’t yet found a mate. It wasn’t that no one had shown interest, but he hadn’t found that one person that he wanted to share the rest of his life with.
Tristan looked a little hesitant. “Please don’t tell anyone, but I think she’s the one. I just don’t want to push her too much. After what she’s gone through, I want to be careful, take things slow, you know?”
Blake laid his hand on his shoulder. “I promise you I won’t tell anyone. But I will tell you that I’m happy for you.”
“Thank you.” He stood up. “I should get going. After all this I definitely need a shower.”
“Take one here and grab some of my clothes.”
They both quickly showered and made their way to the main house. Blake was truly happy for Tristan. He never let it show, but Blake knew his best friend far too well and knew he was worried about not finding his mate.