Page 65 of A True Mate Bond
“I want our patrolling wolves to meet the new ones so there won’t be any misunderstandings as we move forward. I’ll have everyone meet up tomorrow morning. You’re more than welcome to be part of it.”
“I’ll be there.”
Kai nodded and walked off.
Blake seemed a little more at ease and pulled her closer to his side. “Would you like to go home?”
“Yes, please.”
The morning had been an emotional roller-coaster and Niev felt mentally exhausted.Blake took her hand and led her toward their little path only to stop in his tracks halfway there. He seemed concerned, and Niev followed his gaze toward the edge of the clearing opposite of their path. Tristan and his mother stood opposite each other, seemingly in an argument while Olivia stood behind Tristan. She was crying, tears running down her cheeks, her hands shaking.
Niev’s feet moved without a second thought. It wasn’t so much the argument she was concerned about, but rather Olivia. She looked lost and didn’t have anyone to comfort her. Niev wanted to be there for her. Her feet moved quickly with Blake by her side.
With his good hearing, he seemed to know more than her and started to explain. “His mother doesn’t approve of Olivia. She is giving him the choice to either leave Olivia or to be disowned.”
“He has chosen to be disowned before. What makes her think this time will be different?” She couldn’t help her spiteful tone. The woman hadn’t learned her lesson and was treating Olivia the same way she’d treated Niev.
Ignoring the argument, Niev concentrated on Olivia, wrapping her arms around her as soon as she was within reach. Olivia’s small body felt fragile in her arms and Niev was afraid she would break her if she squeezed too hard. Olivia was sobbing, her body shaking, her eyes red.
“Shhh, my love.” Niev pulled her closer and Olivia collapsed in her arms. Carefully kneeling down, she held Olivia’s head to her chest, soothingly running her fingers through Olivia’s hair. “It’s alright.”
“Everyone hates me.” Olivia’s voice was a mere whisper and Niev had trouble understanding her through her sobbing.
“I don’t hate you. Blake doesn’t hate you and Tristan adores you,” Niev tried to reassure her.
“He’ll leave me.”
“Olivia, he won’t leave you. I know Tristan and he would do anything for you.” Niev pulled Olivia’s petite frame onto her lap and hugged her tight. “When his mother first met me, she told him she would banish him, revoke him as her son. He stood up to her even though he barely knew me. He adores you. Everyone can see it and he would do anything to be with you.”
Olivia sobbed in her arms as the argument got louder.
“I won’t allow you to mate that thing,” Terra spat out.
“She’s not a thing! She’s a beautiful soul and your hate blinds you.”
“If you choose that,” Tristan’s mother pointed at Olivia, “over your family you’re dead to me.”
Tristan didn’t answer, instead turned around and walked toward Olivia, who was still crying in Niev’s arms. With a gentle expression on his face, he kneeled down and carefully picked Olivia up, her tiny body shivering in his arms. He pulled her to his chest and stood.
“Shh, let’s get you out of here my sweet bird.” His tone was so tender, kind, and full of love that it warmed Niev’s heart.
“You’re making a mistake. She’ll be the end of your blessed life.” Terra stormed toward her son, but Blake stepped between the two of them, a growl lingering in his chest.
Niev quickly got up and laid her hand on Tristan’s lower back, leading him away. “Come home with us.”
They quickly crossed the clearing and walked onto the path that would lead them home. Tristan’s mother was swearing, screaming, and cursing them out as they walked. When Niev turned, she saw Blake blocking the path between them, fortunately preventing Terra from following. The further they walked and the quieter the cursing got, the more Olivia seemed to calm down.
Niev quickly opened the door and stepped aside so Tristan could walk past her. He sat down on the couch and held Olivia in his arms, gently caressing her cheek and whispering into her ear. Niev didn’t want to interrupt their intimate moment, so she busied herself in the kitchen, boiling some water for tea. Blake came in a few moments later. He seemed upset, but tried to hide it. He came to the kitchen and cuddled her from behind, his fingers drawing circles on her bump.
She poured the hot water into four cups and handed Blake two of them before following him to the couch. Olivia was now sitting next to Tristan and gratefully took the tea Blake handed her.
Blake sat opposite of them in an armchair and pulled Niev onto his lap. “She won’t come close to either of you unless you allow her. Seth and Father will keep an eye on her and use a command if necessary.” His voice softened as he looked at Olivia. “Olivia, I know she hurt you, but she won’t come between you and Tristan.”
Olivia looked down to her lap where she was clutching onto the tea mug.
Tristan answered for her instead. “Thank you.”
They stayed silent for quite some time until Niev got hungry and started to prepare a small meal for all of them. She busied herself in the kitchen while Blake and Tristan talked about seemingly unimportant things.