Page 99 of A True Mate Bond
Blake’s wolf began to growl, pacing in the back of his mind, pushing him to give him control. Over the past twenty-four hours, Blake learned to trust his wolf and his instincts. So, he stepped aside and gave full control to his wolf.
To Blake’s fascination, the invisible force of the Lycan’s command lost its grip as soon as his wolf took over. As he adjusted to his muscles, the force slipped off him as if it had nowhere to hold on to. With satisfaction, Blake saw through his wolf’s eyes disbelief spread on the Lycan’s face.
His wolf coiled his muscles and jumped toward the Lycan, the creature who had dared to touch what was his. The thing that had hurt his mate, and who had stolen his soul. He was able to sink his teeth into his shoulder but was unable to do anything else as the Lycan grabbed a hold of him. Determined not to let go, Blake’s wolf clenched his jaw tighter, crushing the Lycan’s shoulder as a result. The Lycan retaliated right away by ripping Blake’s flesh and muscles off his bones.
Pain nearly paralyzed him. All he could do was clench harder on the Lycan’s shoulder, not willing to let him go. Out of the corner of his eye, Blake could see Niev quietly appearing behind the Lycan and reaching for something by the firepit. Their eyes met and she seemed just as determined as he was. She swiftly and quietly stood up and pulled a long, glowing hot metal rod out of the fire’s embers. She swung it around, stabbing the Lycan in the back.
The smell of burning flesh swept through the air as she pushed the rod deeper into the Lycan’s body. He screamed in agony as he sank to his knees. Niev’s determination and the distraction she’d gifted him gave him enough momentum to loosen his jaws from the Lycan’s shoulder and twist his head to grip his throat with his canines, ripping the flesh. Blood gushed as the Lycan’s trembling body dropped to the ground.
His wolf growled in triumph and let Blake take back control so he could console Niev, who was standing there in shock as she watched the blood flow from the Lycan’s body. He gently nudged her with his nose and placed himself in front of her so she didn’t have to stare at the Lycan anymore.
‘Niev, it’s okay.’
Her wide, tired eyes looked up at him and widened even more when her gaze fell on his injuries. ‘I need to heal those for you,’she whispered, shaky and distraught.
Her eyes moved past him onto Seth and Tristan behind him. Still trying to wrap their heads around what just happened, they moved toward the Lycan, making sure he was dead. Blake nudged Niev toward the door, not wanting her to see what Tristan and Seth were about to do.
She seemed to be in a trance and shook as she left the room. She kept walking toward the door where he had seen the Lycan for the first time. Blake followed her into a large dining space where she walked past a massive table and to a door at its end. This door was too small for Blake’s wolf to fit through, so he was forced to sit and wait for her to return.
With everything that had happened he disliked and even hated the feeling of not being able to see her. Luckily, she returned to him a moment later holding a large kitchen knife. He knew she was tired, but he also knew her far too well not to let her heal him. She slashed open her wrist, pressing the knife into her skin and letting her blood drip all over his torn skin and muscles. As it healed, it started to itch, making his entire body tingle. Niev moved around his large body and shared her healing blood with him until all his wounds were taken care of.
“How are the others?”she worriedly asked, obviously blaming herself for everything.
‘Niev will heal whoever needs it,’he said after opening his mind to the others.
‘Outside,’Brandon answered instantly.
Blake opened his mind to her again. ‘I believe you’re needed outside.’
He hadn’t fully shared the sentence before Niev ran toward the door. In the entrance hallway, she carefully moved past the large lifeless body of the wolf Seth and Blake had killed. Sadness overcame her, but she tried to suppress it. She quickly rushed past him, trying not to look down.
Outside, Blake nudged her to their right and around the corner of the mansion. It was still dark out and she seemed to have trouble seeing where they were going, so she held onto his shoulder, her hand tightly gripping his fur. Brandon had shifted and was standing above Kyle, one of the warriors. Kyle whimpered in pain, his shoulder torn up, his leg hanging from his body.
Without hesitation Niev rushed toward him. “I’m coming,” she called out. Her voice shook, her heart spilling guilt.
Blake shifted and followed Niev, who was already inspecting Kyle’s shoulder. His bones were broken, his joint crushed, and his arm only hung on by shreds of flesh.
Niev bent over him, looking at the wound. “What is his name?”
“Kyle,” Blake said, placing his hand on her lower back.
“Kyle, I’ll try to save your arm, but it will hurt. We have to hold it in position for everything to grow back together.”
He nodded his large wolf head and Niev turned to Brandon and Blake.
“Can you two hold his leg in place?”
“Of course.” Blake quickly stepped forward and held the leg in a position that seemed more natural.
Kyle whimpered even more, and Brandon quickly handed him a log to bite on and sat next to him, placing himself next to Niev.
“Should I pull his skin back together?”
She nodded. “I think that’s a good idea, Brandon.”
He nodded and did as he’d suggested. Kyle now howled around the log, slightly growling in pain but kept still, digging his teeth into the wood. Niev held her wrist over Kyle’s shoulder and cut it, letting her blood drip onto the torn flesh.
She looked up at Brandon. “Is there anyone else?”