Page 12 of Toxic Obsession
“Either.” She removed a pair of skinny jeans from my closet and tossed them on the bed. “Can I see these on you?”
“Sure.” I stood and pulled my grey yoga pants off, then answered her as I stepped into the jeans. “No to both. I didn’t have time to date.” Nor did anyone want to be around me after shit went seriously south.But I had a lot of sex at my job. Good sex.I wondered if the college guys could match the experience the men who worked for Dimitri had. Maybe it was time to find out.
“I see.”
My brows furrowed. “What about you?”
She faced me, her gaze traveling up and down my body as she tapped her finger against her lower lip, clearly thinking.
“Nah. I haven’t found anyone I would want to settle down with. Two of my best friends have, though. Teagan and Brie. They met their guys at Whitmore, so maybe I’ll have some luck this year.”
I nodded. “Well, it’s encouraging that Whitmore has some good guys around, right?” But no one for me. I couldn’t take the chance of someone getting too close to me. It would be too easy for them to find out who I was; then my life would turn to shit again.
Gabby’s emerald-green eyes sparkled as she practically skipped to my bedroom door. “Be right back.”
Curious to where she was going, I poked my head out of my room and down the hall.
“What are you doing?” I giggled.
“This!” She jogged toward me again, holding up a shirt in her hand, a see-through gold top with black flowers covering the breasts. She shoved it into my arms. “Try it on. I think we’re close to the same size, and I’m guessing the color will look phenomenal on you.”
“This is gorgeous. Are you sure?”
“Yes! It’s not even the best color on me. Try it on.” She impatiently tapped her foot against the wood floor.
I tugged off my sweatshirt and tossed it onto my bed, then carefully put on Gabby’s shirt. Something poked me in the side, and I fumbled around before I spotted the price tag still attached. “Um, this is expensive, Gabby, I can’t wear this. What if I accidently spilled food on it?”
She held up a finger. “Shh, no talking.” Gabby helped me pull the top into place, smiling. “It’s perfect and reveals just enough of your boobs and tummy to look sexy and not slutty.”
I glanced down at the fabric hugging my breasts and showcasing my stomach and belly button piercing. At one time, Dad had his ear pierced, and the small diamond had been his before he disappeared. When I realized he’d left it behind, I used it for the piercing. It reminded me that there had been good times before he’d left us without a word.
Gabby placed her hands on her slender hips. “That shirt does me no justice at all. My aunt was trying to be nice, but it makes me look pale. It’s all yours.”
I stammered like an idiot before I finally found my words. “It’s too much.”
“It’s not. We’re friends. Besides, you’re helping me out.”
My throat tightened with her words. I hadn’t had friends since I was a sophomore in high school. “How?” I wasn’t sure how she figured that.
Gabby winked at me. “Because I just made room in my closet to buy something new.”
I laughed. Although I owned name brand clothes now, I’d purchased them at Ross and Nordstrom Rack. I’d justified spending the money by reminding myself that until I was financially comfortable, I could fake it until I made it.
“You look stunning, dahling.” Gabby gave me a thousand-watt smile. “Every guy will be looking at you the moment you walk through the door.”
“Thanks, but really, I can pay you for the shirt.”
“Wynter Baldwin, no. If it bothers you that much, think of it as a welcome to Whitmore gift. Besides, we could have gotten stuck with a bitch for a roomie. You’re not one, so that’s payment enough.”
She had no idea how her words were healing my shattered heart. Maybe there was hope for me after all. As quickly as I thought it, though, the truth snuffed it out. I would never be whole again.
It was clear that there was no changing Gabby’s mind once she had decided something. I would have to be sneaky about how I repaid her.
“So, it’s settled. You’ll meet us at the party.”
My stomach flip-flopped. “I don’t have a way to get there.”
Gabby briefly frowned. “No biggie. I’ll swing by and pick you up on the way. Leighton and Everlee will ride together, so it will be perfect.”