Page 25 of Toxic Obsession
I wiped my sweaty hand on my jeans and looked away as Kane leaned against the countertop. “I can’t tell you how it went down, but Wynter was involved. Maybe it was indirectly, but she was responsible for Bell dying.” Choking on the words, I forced myself to breathe through the pain. “I haven’t told anyone before.”
“Your dad and Brody clearly know.” Kane gave me a sheepish smile. “Yeah, that was a stupid thing to say. And now that I think about it, like I know some shit about you, but you’ve been pretty quiet about life before Whitmore.”
“We’ve all got our secrets, man.” I leaned across the table and retrieved the folder. “I’ll have to keep looking at the details about Wynter to see how deep the information in the file goes.”
“Keep me posted. And Q, you understand that none of this ever leaves the room. Whatever you need, I’ve got your back.”
I nodded. “I need to get my head into the game.”
I took another drink, wishing the whiskey would flood my system faster, but I knew I should pace myself. “One good thing has come out of this shit so far.”
“What’s that?” Kane sat at the table with me again.
“Those pictures of Wynter with the dudes are from a website. When I searched it, I found the year some of the photos were taken. She wasn’t eighteen yet.”
Kane gave me a half-shrug. “We all know that half the time chicks look older than they really are. I mean whoever took them should have checked her ID.” He chuckled. “I take that back, hell I had a fake ID when I was seventeen, so I’m sure she did.”
“Yeah, I get that, but the information has her date of birth, so I know for a fact that she was underage.” I raised my glass, then slammed the amber liquid down.
“What are you getting at?”
My gaze narrowed as I gave him a wolfish grin. “Adam gave me everything you see, which means he’s been doing a lot of research on her. I get it. I want revenge for Bell, too. But dude, I’m guessing he found that website, paid for access, and printed off the pictures.”
Kane’s brown eyes widened. “Holy shit. If you find the history on his laptop …”
“Yeah, I’ve got the motherfucker on child porn. I’ve got him right where I want him.”
Kane’s laugh filled the room. “Just make sure if you take him down that you don’t go with him. You’re in custody of the pictures now, so I’d burn them or whatever you gotta do. Make sure your search history is scrubbed for real, not that delete history bullshit.”
“Yeah, I thought of that too. I’m going to see if it’s on his computer and grab any proof I can.” I blew out a sigh. “And if the evidence is there, he won’t ever lay a hand on Brody again. I’ll report him in a New York minute.”
“Let me know what you need. I’d love to take the fucker down for what he’s done to your bro—”
I looked away from him, realizing that he was putting two and two together. Adam hadn’t touched me since before we moved to Oregon, so none of my friends at Whitmore ever knew. Hell, none of my friends in Washington did either. I’d become a pro at hiding my secrets. At least it was Kane and no one else. I trusted him with my life.
“Q?” Kane’s voice was soft. “Did he beat you too?”
My pulse pounded in my neck as I glanced at him. “It was a long time ago. Bell was the only one who didn’t receive the wrath of the devil himself.”
A thick silence filled the space between us.
“Before I was adopted by Coach and Mom, I was nearly beaten to death several times. It sucks because you think when it’s over the bruises will heal, and they do.” He tapped his temple. “The sons of bitches don’t even have to touch you anymore. Those memories and flashbacks don’t leave overnight. I’ve been there. Again, you let me know if we need to set the son of a bitch up and make sure Brody is safe.”
“All right. It’s why I still live at home. For Brody.” Dark thoughts rolled into my head, clouding my vision. Seeing Bell’s obituary again had torn me to fucking shreds. I wondered if it would ever get any easier, but not only was she my sister, she was my twin. When I’d lost her, I’d lost myself too. The friends I had on the football team and in the Black Widow Society were the only reason I was sane.
I fiddled with the edge of the file, then shoved it across the table in a fit of anger and watched as the papers went whirling everywhere. “Goddammit.” I stormed out of my chair, sending it flying backward and clattering against the tile floor. Feeling like an ass for allowing my grief to stoke my temper, I scrambled to reassemble the file. As I locked everything back inside, a white envelope caught the corner of my eye. I scooped it off the floor and stared at the messy handwriting. Where the hell had it come from? Maybe it had been stuck between the pages, and I’d missed it altogether.
“What is it?” Kane knelt next to me.
I flipped it over, but the envelope was sealed. Without a second thought, I ripped it open, then removed a letter. I unfolded it and immediately searched for who had written it. My hand trembled and heat climbed up the front of my neck. “Son of a fucking bitch.” I read it several more times, then stood.
“Dude, I hate to cut our evening short, but there’s some shit I gotta do.”
Kane briefly frowned at me, surprised at my sudden need to leave. “Let me know if I can do anything.”
I held the letter up. “I’ve got everything I need right here, but thanks.”