Page 68 of Toxic Obsession
“Gabby dropped me off. It was pouring rain and she loaned me her jacket with a hood.” She tugged on the black coat hanging over her arm. I hadn’t noticed it until then, but it explained how she wasn’t spotted.
“Move, please. If I’m late, the professor will call me out, and everyone will be staring.” Fear flickered in her gaze. “I’m trying to stay under the radar, Quinn.” Impatient, she tapped her foot.
I looked over her shoulder. Vaughn was a few steps behind her and quietly closed the gap, ready to face what was beyond this wall.
“Quinn.Move. I’m not in the mood for your shit today.” Her blue eyes blazed with anger.
I figured Wynter would hate me even more by the time she went back to classes. If she were pissed now just fuck my life, she was going to tear me a new one when she saw what was waiting for her outside.
I pushed on the metal handle, then cracked the door open. “Shit.” Allowing it to close, I stared at Wynter, remorse driving my next action. “I’m sorry.” I pulled her against me and placed a kiss on the top of her head. I wasn’t sure I would have the opportunity to do that again, and I needed her … was desperate for her to understand how sorry I was that I played the video.
I released her and she took a step away. Fear flickered to life in her expression, and she shrank back, closer to Vaughn.
“I saw people out there. Are they waiting for me?” She clutched her bag until her knuckles turned white.
“There are students, adults, and reporters waiting for you,” Vaughn said. “They’re all here to see what the dean had to say, and I think you being inside was a bonus.”
“Fuck!” She gritted her teeth. “Do you know what you’ve done? I won’t be safe. I worked so fucking hard to have just a little normalcy in my life, then you ...” She fisted her hands, then looked at Vaughn again. Realization dawned over her face. “This is why he’s here, Quinn? You already knew there were vultures circling?”
“Yeah. I had a bad feeling Monday would be chaos and called Sutton, Vaughn’s boss, last night. Wynter, I couldn’t take a chance of someone attacking you.”
Tears brimmed in her eyes, her body trembling.
“Wynter, I’m armed, and I’m also trained in Krav Maga. You have my word that I will keep you safe. Let’s see what it looks like out there, then determine what to do next.” Vaughn’s soothing tone seemed to help, and I was glad as hell that I hired him. “Here’s what I propose …” Vaughn rattled off a plan and we all agreed.
It was time to face the damage. Although I’d held out hope that it wouldn’t explode to this proportion it had, but that was social media at its finest.
Per Vaughn’s suggestion, I slipped my arm around her waist to show the world we were a united front. Opening the door, I walked outside first, Wynter slightly behind me, and Vaughn to the side of her.
Reporters bolted toward us, and I gave Wynter a reassuring squeeze. I held up my hand in an attempt to quiet the barrage of questions. The rain had stopped, and a large group of students had popped up all over the lawn, holding signs to either support Wynter or run her out of town.
“I would like to say a few words, if everyone will calm down.” Wynter trembled against me, and I wished like hell I could make it better. I cleared my throat, then began to speak. “My name is Quinn Astor, and I’m responsible for the viral video concerning the shooting and loss of ten students and three teachers at Timber Creek High School in Forest Dale, Washington.”
The chanting quieted as people started to listen.
“Over the last few days, additional information has come to my attention, shedding light on Wynter’s actions. I was wrong. I was wrong to air the video. I was a hundred percent wrong in assuming that Wynter knew about Kyler Baldwin’s plans.”
Rude comments came from the group, but I ignored them and continued. “With some help of friends, I have obtained the accurate report that Wynter provided to the police. For whatever reason, the report with full details of how Wynter tried to get Kyler help had been buried. She reached out to her parents and a teacher, and when that didn’t work, one of her school counselors. The report also documents that Wynter searched Kyler’s room in fear that he might have been suicidal. There were no guns or harmful weapons found at that time.”
The crowd grew quiet again.
“My twin sister was one of the people lost that day, and I’ve spent the last several years angry and grieving. When I learned that Wynter was attending Whitmore, I took it upon myself to make her life miserable without learning the facts.” I glanced at Wynter. “It’s my responsibility to right my wrong and prove to the public that Wynter isn’t the criminal. The police interview and documents will be available at noon today on multiple news outlets. I recommend that you start there to get answers to your questions.”
“Quinn, are you saying that you no longer hold Wynter Baldwin responsible for Bellamy’s death?”
Inwardly, I cringed. Of course, the reporters had done their research, but to hear Bell’s full name was a slap in the face. Another reminder I’d lost her.
“That’s correct. She had no proof of Kyler’s plans. What was presented to the world was misleading, and we were all lied to.”
“Wynter, who did you talk to about your brother, and what made you worried in the first place?” A reporter held out a microphone.
“I will be happy to provide interviews at a later date. A lot of your questions will be answered at noon today.” She peeked at her watch. “In two more hours. Now, if you’ll kindly excuse me, I have a class to attend.”
Vaughn stepped up to her right side while I remained at Wynter’s left, ensuring her protection. To my surprise, the crowd parted without a fight. Only a few hecklers popped off with nasty threats, but that was to be expected. Assholes were everywhere, and no matter what Wynter or I said, some people always focused on hate. Unfortunately, I’d been one of those assholes, and it was time to change.
I finally had a reason to become a better man. That reason was Wynter Baldwin.