Page 77 of Toxic Obsession
“Oh. Hell. No.”
Oh goody. Sassy Janine is making an appearance again.
“What now?” I leaned against one of the dirty white columns that supported our porch.
“You’re not going to admit how much you love this guy because you’rescared?”
“Janine, it’s not like that.”
But isn’t it?
“From where I sit, it’s exactly that. But,”—she raised her hands, halting the conversation—“the food is done. If you don’t want to eat with Mom at the table, then I’ll meet you in your room later.”
“I’ll do it. For you.”
Janine grabbed my arm. “This is the first Thanksgiving together since Ky …” Her shoulders slumped. “I need you there.”
“I’m here, sis. I’m here.” I gave her a quick hug, then sucked it up. My feelings about my shitty mother could wait.
Silently, I followed my sister back into the house, my stomach growling. Voices came from the kitchen, then Mom appeared with a casserole dish in her hand. She placed it on the dining room table. Quinn was behind her, carrying the platter with the turkey. He set it down and looked at Mom. “What else can I help with?” He offered her a warm smile.
“You’re company, Quinn. Sit down …” She caught sight of Janine and me, standing in the entryway. “Well, there is one thing.” She cleared her throat and nervously wiped her palms on her apron. “Maybe you could carve the turkey for us.”
Quinn’s gaze landed on me, understanding in his eyes. “I would be honored.”
And in that split second, I fell in love with the man who was brave enough to walk into the home of his sister’s killer and have dinner with my family.
“In my opinion, it went well, babe.” Quinn said, tossing our overnight bag on my full-size bed.
“Never in a million years did I think my mother would join us, Quinn,” I said, keeping my voice down in order not to be overheard by Janine or my mother. The walls were thin, and I didn’t want to upset my sister.
My room hadn’t changed in the last few months, but I hadn’t expected it to. The same beige paint covered the walls, brightening the small space. I only had one window, and it faced the neighboring home, so I rarely opened the brown blackout curtains. Some days, it felt as if I lived in a little box with a peephole to the outside world. At the time, it had kept me safe. Maybe my room hadn’t changed, but I had. Even after the video, I’d had the strength to take a stand with the people I loved and talk to them instead of running.
Quinn sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the floor. I wedged my legs between his and wrapped my arms around his neck. “This has to be even harder for you. I’ve had my head up my ass instead of supporting you.”
“No. Your pain isn’t worse or easier than mine. It’s been hard as hell walking into this house—for both of us.”
I smoothed his dark hair. “How can I make it better, Quinn? How can I make up for what Ky did to you?” Tears slipped down my cheeks. “I’m sorry. You’re right. This is way harder than I thought it would be.”
“Beautiful, you can’t make things right. Stop trying to fix what’s out of your control. Shit, I’m taking my own advice, too.”
I looked at Quinn, unashamed that I was crying in front of him. A slew of emotions twisted my gut, but the one I felt the strongest was for him. Janine was right, I could no longer deny my feelings. Quinn was my future, and I knew it. “I love you, Quinn.”
His eyes widened. “Wynter, you don’t have to tell me that to try to make me feel better.”
“I’m not. I really love you. Janine was the one that made me stop hiding from the truth.” I smiled at him, sniffling. I wiped my face with the sleeves of my shirt.
“Then if that’s the only good thing that came out of this trip, I’ll take it.” He grabbed my waist and ensured I didn’t fall over as he stood.
I placed my hands against his chest, his heart beating beneath my palm.
He cupped my chin in his hand. “I love you, too, Wynter Baldwin. All of you. All of the tormented, beautiful soul that you are.”
A soft laugh escaped me. “I know exactly when I realized that I was in love with you.”