Page 23 of Softest Touch
“But we miss you.” He plays with my hair. “I miss you. It's weird not to see you running through the hallway.”
I laugh, looking into his eyes. “I'll be back soon, I promise.”
“Take your time. Whenever you feel ready, we'll be there.” I nod in response, not sure I'm ready to go back to work yet. “Would you like to go for a walk with Sissi? Breathe some fresh air? You've been in here for so long, love.”
“Yeah, you're right. A little fresh air would do me good.” In the past weeks, I did my best to take care of everything, but without Derek by my side, it would have been a thousand times worse. His patience and tenderness when I refused to eat or couldn't sleep made me fall for him even more. Derek is a keeper for sure, and I hope to be enough for him. I get up and go to get my shoes. Sissi brings us her leash, and I take a deep breath before finally walking out of the apartment.
Washington DC in the evening has always had its charm, and the sunset makes it magical. Derek holds my hand as we walk through the park.
“You're so quiet. What are you thinking about?” he asks, kissing my hand.
“Christmas is coming soon, and I still can't believe how quickly time has passed.”
“I know. Unfortunately, that's the only thing I haven't figured out how to do.”
“Stop time?” I look up at him. He nods in response. “You don't have to. Life is too short.”
“Yeah,” Derek wraps his arm around my shoulder, “James and Sienna invited us over if you want to go.”
“You don't mind?” I see him narrowing his eyes at me. “I mean, it's Sienna's birthday, too.”
He seems more confused than ever. “I'm not sure what you're trying to say.”
I shrug while gathering my thoughts. “I've ruined their plans in New York.”
“Don't be silly. Sienna asks about you every day. She didn't come over or call you because I asked her not to; otherwise, she would have moved in with us.” He chuckles. “Trust me, she's not a great roommate.”
“I adore you, Derek, and thank you.” I kiss him. “Then we can't miss it. After all, I still have to thank her for hiring me.”
“Hey, I hired you!” he complains, and I burst out laughing. It's so strange to hear my own laughter.
“True, but she was the one asking me to come there,” I tease him.
“One of the days I'll never forget,” he says, kissing me.
I sip my coffee, gazing out of the office window at the gently falling snowflakes. I have always loved January, but I have never been so nervous. Ever since Melinda and I moved in together, I have realized how much she truly means to me. She has become an essential part of my life, one that I could never live without. She completes me in ways I didn't even know were possible.
“Derek, are you listening to me?” Sienna's voice startles me out of my thoughts.
“What?” I shake my head and turn to face Sienna, who points to some samples. “Sorry, I got distracted by the snowflakes.”
“Yes, the snowflakes...” She rolls her eyes at my white lie.
“Can I ask you something?”
She strokes her belly while peering at me. “Yes, of course.”
“How did you know James was your soulmate, or ‘the one’?” I mimic the air quotes with my hands.
Her eyes begin to sparkle as she admits, “I knew it from the first time I saw him. It's something you feel inside.”
Not the answer I was hoping for. I'm not the most romantic person, even though I try to be for Mel. “You are so enigmatic.”
She cringes and sighs. “I don't know how to explain it. There's no formula or signal. You just know it.”