Page 12 of Boss's Surprise Baby
“Oh, Eli always comes with me to Saturday brunch.” My brother gave me a weird once-over as I took a seat. “Jesus, Olivia, did you run here?”
“Uh, yeah, just trying to fit in some cardio.” I eyed Eli, who hadn’t said a word. He looked nearly as mortified as me—and completely avoided eye contact.
“You’re so weird.” Owen burst into laughter before pushing a glass of water in my direction. “Here, I got you a water. Please drink it before you pass the fuck out. I don’t know how to do CPR.”
“Funny, considering you’re a doctor.” I rolled my eyes at him, ignoring the goofy grin on my brother’s face. He always thought he was so funny.
“The strange humor is hereditary, clearly,” Eli finally said something, his eyes bouncing between the two of us.
“What? No.” Owen threw up his hands, giving me a look. “There’s no way I’m as dorky as Olivia. She seriously just tried to play off being late as getting cardio—and said it with a straight face.”
“Says the guy who runs to work in his dress clothes for actual cardio,” Eli retorted, his lips turning up into an amused smile. I caught myself staring at them for a few moments.
Just last night those lips were on me...
My pussy tightened at the thought, my whole body wishing I would’ve known what it was like to really feel him between my legs—and what his face would’ve looked like when he reached climax. Instead, I only knew what he looked like when he was mortified he had done anything at all with me.
“Are you okay?” Owen’s voice broke into my thoughts. “You look tired or sick or something.”
“I’m always sick and tired—sick and tired of you asking me that.” I nudged him, an awkward laugh coming out of my mouth as neither of them reacted.
“Yeah, anyway…” Eli cleared his throat. “I was thinking about trying something new this morning. Instead of the French toast, maybe get that all-meat breakfast that you usually get.”
Owen shrugged. “Whatever you wanna do, bro. Real men eat meat.”
“Says the man who was a vegetarian for nearly all of high school,” I snorted, laughing as I grabbed up the menu. “Save the piggies.”
“It was a political statement,” Owen leveled with me. “One that I clearly didn’t feel strongly enough about to actually uphold.”
“Yeah, I know, I saw you sneak bacon to your room after breakfast when we were younger.” I took a sip of the water, which then led to me gulping down half the glass.
“Why have I not seen the two of you together before?” Eli chuckled. “This is pure entertainment.”
“And that’s why,” Owen grumbled, just as the waitress approached the table.
“Will you be having your usual?” the older woman asked Owen.
“Yeah, the usual.”
I watched as she jotted down the order before turning to Eli. “And the usual for you too, Mr. Whiss?”
Eli pondered for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, let’s just stick with the same thing. I think I’ve done enough out of my usual for twenty-four hours.” He caught my eye for a split second.
I nearly spit out my mouthful of water, which in turn led to me choking on it. I struggled to get rid of the tickle in my throat, coughing up a lung as Owen, Eli, and the waitress gave me concerned looks.
“Is she alright?” she asked as my eyes began to water.
“Just get her the French toast with scrambled eggs and a side of bacon. She’ll be grand in a moment.” Owen’s voice was full of amusement as he patted my back.
I covered my mouth with my hand, still coughing as she walked away.
“Are you okay?” Eli leaned across the table, his eyes full of concern.
“I-I-I’m fine,” I mustered to get out as my coughing finally started to recede. “Just a little choke—happens to the best of us.” Owen chuckled, while Eli continued to stare at me, his brows furrowed. “I’m fine, really,” I added, taking a ragged breath. “Not the first time I’ve choked in front of a crowd.”
Eli blinked his eyes a few times before leaning back. “I don’t even wanna know.”