Page 27 of Boss's Surprise Baby
I chuckled, shaking my head. “You’re as dramatic as your sister.”
“She got it from me.” Owen shot me a wink. “We could’ve made it in the acting business with our ability to channel our emotions.”
“Okay, now you’re just being dumb. But for real, what’s up?” I raised my eyebrows. “You never show up to my work in the middle of the day.”
“Yeah, actually, I stopped by to see Olivia, but she’s not here.”
“Yeah, she’s with Zena for the day. I sent the two of them to find some good shooting spots for the upcoming music video for Harlee Mendez.”
“Ah, right. So you’re starting to give her some real opportunities then?” There was an edge to his voice.
“Uh, I guess so.”
“I think she’s seeing someone,” Owen blurted out.
“Um, okay,” I answered, channeling my nonchalant self. “I don’t know what that has to do with me.”
“She won’t tell me, but I can just tell when she’s hooked on someone. She acts differently. I bet she met someone at that stupid singles’ thing—and knowing her it’s her usual type.” He rolled his eyes and slumped back in the chair.
“And what’s her type?” I couldn’t hide my intrigue. I didn’t know much at all about Olivia’s past. If she had been with someone in the past, there was no sign of it on her social media—which I had obviously stalked.
“Uh…like, artsy, I guess.” Owen shrugged. “I don’t know. She dated this one guy for nearly six years. His name was Nate Webb, but he went by Bristle.”
“What?” I stifled my laughter. “Bristle? Like the bristle of a brush?”
“Yeah, it was his artistic name.”
“Oh Jesus,” I muttered. “How long was the guy’s hair?”
“It wasn’t long. He was actually a normal-looking guy. He was just so flaky. She could never depend on him. Like, they’d have plans and he’d bail on her. One time she had a flat out on the pacific highway in the middle of nowhere, and so she calls him, right? He doesn’t do anything. He’s in the middle of some painting shit and leaves her to figure it out on her own.”
“Asshole,” I grumbled, irritation burning in my chest. “Why the fuck did she stay with some loser like that?”
Owen let out a sigh. “Because he knew how to really get to her, I think. I don’t know. He asked her to marry him.”
“And?” I barely choked out, my throat tightening at the thought of someone marrying Olivia.
“She said yes,” Owen said, his eyes darting off toward the window overlooking the city. “But then he fucking left her at the altar on her wedding day.”
The ultimate burn.
“Jesus, man, that’s just...that’s rough.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say in the moment, my head spinning at what I had just leaned.
She’s a serious relationship kind of woman.
“Yeah, and to be honest, I don’t want her getting involved with anyone like that again. She always sees the best in people—that’s just who she is. I know that relationship really messed her up, though. I don’t want to see that for her again.”
“She is a grown-ass adult,” I reasoned, shrugging my shoulders. “I get that you’re worried about her, but she is capable of making her own decisions.” My eyes drifted to the work of hers that I had read, all of which was full of heartbreak and redemption—and after knowing what she had gone through...
It made a lot more sense.
“I know that she’s an adult, Eli,” Owen snapped at me, shaking his head. “I just worry about what the outcome might be if she falls for someone right now. She’s already going through so much with her job and I don’t want to see her ruin the job.”
Oof. So much for finding her a new one.
“You know what I mean? Because once she falls for someone, she starts thinking and planning out a future with them.”