Page 34 of Boss's Surprise Baby
And it burned that he was looking at her.
“Well, are you wanting to go the cinematic way? Or are you open to other suggestions?” Olivia’s tone was bright and professional, and while it should’ve made me feel better to know that she wasn’t really returning the flirtation, it did nothing for me.
I was feeling jealous—and pissed that I was jealous.
“I don’t know. I liked the cinematic idea, but at the same time, if you hear it and see something totally different, that’s okay with me too. I usually have it all figured out for myself, but I’m to the place now that I’d really like to have the opinion of other creative-minded people.”
“There’s nothing wrong with having your own vision and chasing that, but I also think that two heads are better than one,” Olivia replied, clicking her pen and flipping open the notebook on her lap.
My second head in my pants is not helping me any.
It was the reason I was sitting here jealous as fuck, and I wanted nothing more than to get rid of the lust raging through my body as I caught a whiff of Olivia’s sweet perfume.
“I agree. So what’re you thinking, hon?” Julio leaned forward, resting his elbow on his knee.
Did he just call her hon?
I cleared my throat, not sure whether to let that go. Julio was my biggest client, and I couldn’t remember how he talked to the other women on the team. For all I knew, he called everyone hon.
“You good, bro?” Julio looked over at me, concern on my face. “You look like you might be sick.”
Before I could answer, Olivia looked over to me as well, her eyes widening. “Are you all right? You do”
I shrugged. “It’s just a little hot in here. I’ve been meaning to get a fan. I don’t think the air circulates as well as it should.”
Bullshit excuse.
“It is pretty warm in here,” Olivia agreed, tugging at the collar of her shirt and giving me a brief view of the side of her breast and white lace bra beneath the material of her blouse.
Oh fuck.
My dick was back to throbbing, and it was painful in the position it was in, making me desperate to adjust it in my suit pants. Instead, I scooted forward, giving them both a nod. “Let’s get on with this meeting.”
And get it over with.
“Thank you so much,” Julio said to me, shaking my hand one last time as we both stood to our feet, the meeting over. “I can’t wait to discuss more of this with you.”
“Of course.” I kept a smile on my face, even though I could feel Eli’s gaze boring into me. He had seemed irritated the entire meeting, and I wasn’t sure if it was me or Julio who was the cause of it—but my guess was me.
It’s always me.
“Thanks, you two,” he said to us both as he headed out of Eli’s office, holding the door for me.
“Actually, Olivia, could you stay behind please?” Eli’s voice was strained, and Julio gave me a sympathetic look before nodding to the both of us.
“See y’all later.”
“Always nice chatting with you, man,” Eli called to him as he slipped out, leaving me alone to face whatever consequences lay ahead for me.
I took a deep breath as I shut the door, bracing myself as I turned around to face Eli. “What did I do?”
“Lock the door,” he commanded, standing to his feet. “Now.” The husky tone in his voice caught me off guard, sending a shudder of excitement through my body as I flipped the lock on the door. As he stepped around the front of the desk, I could see his erection through his suit pants.
Oh my god.