Page 39 of Boss's Surprise Baby
I cannot believe I’m pregnant.
“Are you okay?” Zena called from the front area of the bathroom. “If so, I think I might go out and grab us a couple of drinks.”
“Yeah, I’m good,” I choked out, my voice straining more than I wanted it to. “Go ahead. It’s just the takeout hitting hard.” I tried to force a laugh but could hardly breathe.
“Oof, okay.” Zena giggled. “I hate it when that happens. I know just the drink for an upset stomach.”
“Actually,” I called out, hoping to stop her. “I think I’ll just have a water instead. Alcohol will just make it all a lot worse.”
“Ouch, one of those nights. I get it though.” The bathroom door squeaked as she opened it, the club music booming a little louder before fading again.
I stared at the test for a few moments longer, still trying to process what I was reading. I had thought that the takeout I had been getting had been making my stomach sick, but then when I’d finally realized I was two weeks late for my period...
Yeah, it was a no-brainer to get a test.
And as it turned out, condoms could apparently fail without noticeably breaking. There was only one man I had slept with...
I swallowed the thought, forcing myself to stand to my feet. I dropped the test into my crossbody purse, knowing that I would want to hang onto it. As much as I wasn’t happy about getting pregnant from a fling with Eli...
I did want to be a mom—like, I really wanted to be a mom.
It’s just too bad that Eli is the father.
My stomach churned at the thought of telling him and my brother. It was one thing to have a little bit of a crush—or even sleep with someone a couple of times...but having a baby? Yeah, that was no small task. The news would shock them both, and I wasn’t sure which would be the most shocked.
Probably Owen.
I let out a sigh as I opened the stall door and stepped out into the open bathroom. Club bathrooms were usually disgusting, but this one was beyond nice—like, nicer than my own bathroom at home. I plopped down on the red velvet couch, slumping over as I tried to gather my thoughts.
I have to just tell Eli. Walk right up to him and tell him.
My eyes drifted to my freshly manicured nails, which I had gotten done solely for the party. I had been avoiding Eli since our office hookup, thinking that it was best for the both of us...after all, it’s not like he wanted it to go anywhere.
And I definitely didn’t want him to pursue me just because I was pregnant.
“Hey, Olivia,” a familiar voice said as the bathroom door opened, grabbing my attention. “Are you okay?”
I looked up at Katie, Owen’s girlfriend, her pitch-black hair hanging straight past her shoulders. “Yeah, of course. Just takeout running me down for the night.”
She made a face, her button nose scrunching. “Oh god, that’s the worst. I swear that excess grease and preservatives just runs right through me. It’s disgusting, you can ask Owen. The poor guy has had to deal with my stomach problems way too much.”
“I’ll pass,” I laughed, giving her a teasing smile. “But it’s good to know I’m not the only one who struggles with it.”
Katie gave me a sympathetic look. “Yeah, food sensitivity is a real thing.”
So is pregnancy.
I smiled up at her, before standing to my feet. “I heard you got my brother a pillow for his birthday.”
“Oh my god, that’s not the only thing I got him,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “I swear, he’s going around complaining about how old he is, and using that as a reason. I also got him a brand-new Rolex.”
“Ah, and yet he’s still focused on the pillow,” I giggled, feeling momentary relief. “I swear my brother is the weirdest guy ever.”
Katie grinned as she opened a stall door. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”