Page 44 of Boss's Surprise Baby
Olivia sped up her motions, her body tensing and arching as the orgasm finally rolled through her. I let out a growl of satisfaction as moisture oozed from her pussy, and I drank it in, savoring very fucking drop.
“So amazing,” she panted as I cleaned her up and rose to my feet. I leaned in to kiss her, letting her taste herself. Our kiss was just as passionate as before, and the sensation of her fingers undoing my belt was satisfying. I broke my lips from her as I grabbed for my wallet, needing the condom that was tucked away in there.
An audible sigh of relief left my lips as she set my dick free, and I tore the foil open. “Your pussy is addictive,” I growled to her as I stretched it over my shaft.
“Mmm, show me how addictive.” The seductive grin on her face nearly left me undone, and I grabbed her, spinning her around. She stuck her round ass in the air, waving it around for me.
My dick throbbed with lust as I gave her right cheek a slap, the sound of her moaning response setting me on fire. My office was soundproofed out of respect for the clients I had who didn’t want anyone leaking their music, and I was more thankful than ever for that luxury.
I ran two fingers from her ass to her pussy, feeling that she was still wet as ever for me. She scooted her hips back as the head of my cock brushed her entrance. Olivia braced against my desk, bent over for me as I shoved all the way inside. She let out a cry as my balls slapped the back of her.
It was so fucking satisfying, the way her pussy bore down on my cock, squeezing me so tightly that I had to fight the urge to just fucking cum right then and there. I shut my eyes as I began to move, taking in the way her body felt against mine. I ran my fingertips down her back, wishing that I had taken the time to take the rest of her clothing off. I stopped at the small of her waist, sliding the satin material of the camisole up so that I could grip her skin.
“Fuck me harder,” Olivia murmured back to me.
My eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of her ass bouncing against me. I growled, quickening my movements, and soon I was pounding into her with all I had. She whined with every thrust and I felt myself coming unhinged with lust. I slapped her ass one last time as I finally collapsed forward, orgasming hard and fast.
“Fucking perfect,” I breathed into her neck, kissing her. “That’s what you are.”
I forced myself to ignore the words that had left his lips. In a sexual way, he might find me perfect, but that was where it clearly ended for him—which is exactly why I stood by my decision to keep my pregnancy a secret. If he would’ve come at our relationship in any other way, even as just friends, I might have told him about it...
But he didn’t.
I was just a sexual fling to him, something that he thought would burn out in time. I had almost walked away at that moment, not giving in to the idea. But the truth was, I had desires too. Eli was the best sex I’d ever had—and maybe there was a part of me hoping that it might burn out too, making everything easier going forward.
“What time is Harlee meeting with you today?” Eli cleared his throat as he redid his belt and smoothed out his shirt. “Do you want me to be there?”
“Um.” I pushed my hair behind my ear, having already gotten dressed. “I can handle her on my own. She seems to be more open when it’s just the two of us—and that’ll let me know where she’s at with the project as a whole.”
He nodded. “Fair enough. I’ll let you do your thing. Just don’t budge on the timeline. There’s no way that our team can get the cut done that early. I mean, yeah, we can push it by a few days maybe, but nothing more.”
“Yeah, I know,” I agreed, picking up a few of the papers that had fallen to the floor during our spur-of-the-moment encounter. “I didn’t think that it was possible, but I wanted to talk to you first.”
“Thanks for that.” He smiled as I straightened his desk up. “I appreciate you coming to me first.”
“Of course.”
“Mr. Whiss?” Brittany’s voice came over the intercom, causing us both to jump. “I have Julio on line one waiting on you.”
Eli leaned over and picked up the phone, his arm brushing mine. “Go ahead and put him through.”
With a half-smile, I took that as my cue to leave and shuffled out of the room, attempting to smooth out my hair as I did so. I didn’t even bother to look back at Eli as I slipped out.
“Um, excuse you,” Brittany said under her breath as she nearly ran right into me. She shook her head as she darted to the left, heading toward the printer, mumbling something more that I couldn’t understand.
I ran my fingers through my hair and headed for my desk, where Zena was perched beside it, working on the plan for Harlee. “Hey, he said that we can’t move up the final cut.”
“Just like we already knew.” Zena looked up at me, her eyes suddenly narrowing. “Are you okay?”
I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to actually process whether or not I was okay. “I think so, why?”
“How about we take lunch early?” Zena said, pushing back from her chair. She had a strange, unreadable look on her face. I couldn’t decide if she was angry or concerned.
“Okay...” My voice trailed off as she slung her purse over her shoulder.