Page 54 of Boss's Surprise Baby
“Well, how’s Owen?”
“He’s fine.” I kept my voice even and nonchalant.
“Isn’t his sister working for you now? How is that going? Is she as particular and OCD as he is?”
“Uh…” My brain suddenly quit working.
“That doesn’t sound good.”
“I don’t know.”
“You’ve said that a lot this morning.” My dad was starting to sound more and more amused by the second.
“Okay, yeah, I’m just busy.”
“Right-o,” Dad chuckled.
Fuck this.
“I gotta go,” I said quickly, exiting out of the email and standing to my feet as I realized the time. “I have a meeting with Harlee Mendez and her manager, Chris.”
“Cool, congrats. Go kill it.”
I paused. What the hell is up with him? I brushed it off, not having time to go nitpicking at my dad’s new attitude. “I’ll call ya later.”
“No, you won’t. Love you, son.”
“Uh, love ya, bye.” I hung up then, staring at the screen as I pulled the phone away from my ear. That was weirdest fucking conversation I’d ever had with my usually grumpy dad—and I wasn’t sure if it was something to be happy about or concerned about.
Don’t have time to think about it.
I grabbed up my shit for the meeting and ripped my office door open, surprised to see Brittany standing there with her fist up like she was about to knock.
“Um, I was just coming to get you for the meeting.”
“I see that.” I eyed her hand and then slinked around her, heading for the conference room. “Are they already here?”
“No, but they should be here anytime. You never like to leave them waiting…”
“Bad business to do that, so yeah.”
She nodded, giving me a weird look as I continued toward the conference room. “Can I be really frank with you, Eli?” Brittany opened the door for me, shooing me into the large, window-lined meeting area.
“I suppose.” I eyed her as I slid past, heading for the leather chair at the head of the table. “If it’s work-related.”
“Okay, well…” Her voice trailed off as she shut the door behind her. “You’re not at your top game right now, and it’s showing.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” My jaw tensed at the criticism. I mean, yeah, I was all for having open communication in the office, but this was like a punch to the gut. I’d never been off my game…in anything.
Brittany’s expression didn’t conceal her nerves. “I’m not trying to start anything. It’s just…the last few weeks—ever since we starting meeting with Harlee—you haven’t been your normal self. Like that.” She motioned to my tie.
“What?” I glanced down to the black tie, instantly noticing that it wasn’t straight.
What the hell? Was I blind this morning?
I swallowed hard as I looked back up to Brittany, who had one of her perfectly defined brows raised at me. “Fuck.”
“Yeah, and I know there’s something going on between you and Olivia.”