Page 69 of Boss's Surprise Baby
I spun on my heel and moved as quickly and quietly as possible to her front door. I turned the knob back to the locked position as I slipped out into freedom, a rush of relief flooding my body as I made my way to the elevator.
How the fuck did I even remember where she lived?
My hand smashed the down button as I racked my throbbing head for how in the hell I’d ended up at Olivia’s place. Had I said anything to her? Did I try to come on to her? Did Owen bring me here?
I shook my head to the last question, knowing good and well that there was no way that Owen would’ve thought to take me to Olivia’s—not when I was fucking inebriated. I didn’t even remember leaving the club… Wait, or did I?
As I exited the lobby of Olivia’s apartment, my mind started to replay telling Owen that I was going to the bathroom, and then catching a cab. My shoulders slumped at the realization that I had more than likely caused my poor best friend a world of worry.
Shit, now I gotta say sorry.
Before I could even consider anything else, I called him, apprehension filling my chest as I braced for one of his ever-so-timely lectures.
“Ah, so the lovesick beast has awakened rather early.” Owen sounded lighthearted and happy on the other end of the phone. “How was your sleep on my sister’s couch?”
“So you know that I crashed there?” I felt a little nauseous as I walked down the street, heading in the direction of a coffee shop that I’d been to before.
“Yeah, I know you crashed there. Where are you now?”
“Uh, headed to the Bean and Berry a few blocks from her place.” I couldn’t even bring myself to say her name after the fucking embarrassment I had caused myself.
“I’ll meet you there,” he said. “I just finished my run, and I’m only about five minutes away. We have a lot to talk about.”
“Do we?” My stomach lurched. “I did something really fucking stupid last night, didn’t I?”
Owen laughed. He laughed. “I’ll just see you there, man.” He hung up before I could demand that I wanted to know more right then. I let out a groan as I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Shaking my head at just how stupid I must be, I focused on just making it to the coffee shop.
Fifteen minutes and a long-ass line later, I was sitting at one of the back tables, waiting on Owen to arrive. He had said that he was only five minutes out, but clearly he didn’t have his times right. I sipped on my latte, wishing that I had some kind of painkillers to help dull the fucking throb in my hungover head.
“Wow, you look like absolute shit,” Owen’s voice grabbed my attention as he pulled out the chair across from me.
“Thanks, good to see you too,” I grumbled as he sat down, chugging the bottle of water in his hand. “Guess you’re not in the mood for caffeine?”
“Nah, my heart rate is high enough as it is right now. Not good to down coffee after a seven-mile run.”
“Mmm.” I stared at him, the amused smirk on his face irritating the shit out of me in the moment.
“So you sleep good last night?”
“Really? I think you know the answer to that question. I don’t even know why you’re asking me. I slept on a couch for heaven’s sake. I haven’t done that since college.”
“Yeah, well…” Owen’s voice trailed off as he burst into a fit a laughter. “Do you remember anything from last night at all? Or am I gonna have to tell you everything that happened?”
I swallowed a mouthful of heavily flavored coffee. “Last thing I remember is catching a cab. Don’t even remember where the fuck I was going to be honest.”
“Oh shit,” Owen’s laughter ended abruptly. “I really thought that you’d remember more than that. You had quite the adventure last night.”
“What’d I do?” I grimaced, my head falling to my hands. “Just tell me before I go throw up in the bathroom from anticipation.”
“Yeah…” Owen leaned back in his chair. “So, I’m not able to tell you everything, because Olivia only told me so much, but to make a long, weird story short, you proclaimed your love to my sister last night.”
“…What?” I choked on my coffee, nearly spewing it everywhere. “There’s no fucking way that I did that.”
“Oh yeah. Yeah, you did.”
“Fuck no.” Embarrassment washed over me like a tidal wave, and I knew that my face went hot as I let out a loud groan. “I can’t fucking believe I was that big of an idiot.”
Owen narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you sure that you’re an idiot? Or are you just sincerely in love with my sister?”