Page 8 of Boss's Surprise Baby
The sincerity in her voice was touching. “I don’t know, really. I thought I had finally made it with that film, but they basically cut me out of it when they had me sign the contract for their production crew.”
“Yeah, and the creative differences were pretty low.” Zena picked up our drinks from the bar, handing me mine. “They released that statement saying that you had been difficult to work with, and I know that can’t be true. The producer is a sexist pig.”
I nodded, hating to recall anything from my past. “Yeah, something like that. I never really saw him much; I just know that I was blindsided to be kicked off like that. I did get severance though. I think it was just to eliminate the chances of a lawsuit.”
“Well, I have no doubt that you can rebuild yourself here in NYC. I tried my luck out in Los Angeles for the first few years after college, and I just couldn’t make it. So, I know that if I’m thriving here, so will you.”
“That means a lot, thanks.” I took a sip of my drink, instantly realizing why my brother was such a fan of the drinks—they went heavy on the liquor.
Like, yikes.
Just as I looked back up to say something more to Zena, she disappeared, having been pulled away by some gray-headed hipster with dark-rimmed glasses nearly as big as his face. I stood there alone, watching as the guests and employees laughed and drank, all of them seemingly having a great time. My brother was nowhere to be found, so I sipped on my vodka cranberry, taking it all in.
This is going to be a long night.
I cringed inwardly, thinking about the cleanup I was responsible for afterward. I mean, why? I’m sure there was a whole crew of cleaners who took care of things like that. I had never seen employees responsible for it at companies like this. It felt like Eli was doing everything he could to make me feel...unwanted.
While sipping on my drink, I started picking up—not that there was much, but as people sat down napkins or empty cups, I swooped in, grabbing it all up and discarding or giving glasses back to the caterers.
“What’re you doing?” I heard a voice from behind me as I tossed a few paper plates into the trash.
“Uh, I’m doing what you asked me to,” I said to him, turning around and narrowing my eyes. “You asked me to clean up—and that’s what I’m doing.”
“Yeah, after the party. I didn’t mean to do the cleaners’ job, either. I just meant like, straighten up the desks or anything that got out of place. You’re acting like janitorial staff.”
My mouth dropped open at the audacity. “You’ve done nothing but give me janitorial tasks since I arrived—minus all the coffee runs and dry cleaning.” My irritation was probably unprofessional in the moment, but honestly, the smirk on his fucking face was infuriating.
“Oh, Olivia.” The way my name rolled off his tongue sent my stomach fluttering. “You’re something else.”
But I didn’t let it show as I crossed my arms. “No idea how to take that, Eli. Just tell me what you want me to do, and that’s what I’ll do. You’re the boss.” I sounded borderline childish, and I did need the job. There was nothing else I could do for what Eli was paying me—and if Zena was right, I had a chance to rebuild my name. Still, I couldn’t stop myself.
“Okay, then stop cleaning up, for heaven’s sake. Just fucking drink the free booze and socialize. You’re stressing out your brother.” His voice was getting to me and I felt my face flush as I caught a whiff of his cologne as he slipped past me, shaking his head.
I am not attracted to him.
Now, if only I could’ve brought myself to actually believe that thought.
“Dude, Katelyn just sent me a text, so I’m gonna go,” Owen said, letting out a heavy sigh. “You know she hates it when I stay out too late.”
“Yeah, I know how she is. You better go, otherwise I won’t get to see you for an entire month or some shit.”
“She’s not that bad,” Owen snapped, giving me a warning glare. “She’s my fiancée, and I happen to be pretty stoked to be with her.”
“Obviously, since you asked her to marry you.” I knew I was sounding curt, but the entire fucking party I had caught myself staring at Olivia every single chance I got—and it was so annoying.
Why am I so attracted to her?
“Yeah, so I’m gonna go. I’ll see you at brunch tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay. Usual place, right?”
He nodded, giving my shoulder a squeeze before heading for the door. There were only a handful of people left, and all but Olivia were making their way to the door to leave. The thought of being alone with her made my dick come to life, and in the moment I kind of wanted to rip it right off.