Page 2 of Playing By The Rules
“What are you reading?” I ask, needing to distract myself.
Cam holds up the book, so I can see the cover with the title,American Political Thought, on the front of it.
“Sounds boring.” I wrinkle my nose.
“It’s not so bad.” He shrugs. “I’m a poly sci major so…”
Great. I just insulted his choice of major. “Oh right. Sorry. I forgot.”
Actually, I didn’t even know. Not like Knox and I discuss Cam beyond him mentioning Cam’s name here and there. Mostly in reference to football and the team and stats and all the bullshit that comes with it.
I shouldn’t describe it like that. Football is our family’s life. Dad always says, it’s a part of our legacy. He fully expects Knox to get drafted into the NFL, predicting he’ll get picked by the fifth round, and I don’t doubt it’ll happen. I’m related to a bunch of guys who are currently playing in the NFL, both by blood and through marriage. We are justthatfamily.
“It’s okay. You shouldn’t care what my major is.” He slams the book shut and pushes it aside, before he rests his arms on top of the table, contemplating me. “So, how’s it going?”
“How’s what going?” I stare into his eyes for a beat too long, trying to calm my breathing. My rapidly beating heart. Pretty sure this is the closest I’ve ever been to Cam, beyond that one moment when I got to hug him after a football game last season.
That experience about did me in. My emotions went into a chaotic spiral the moment I felt his arms close around me.
Or maybe that was just my hormones kicking in, reminding me that I’m extremely attracted to this man.
“School. Life.” He shrugs, leaning back in his seat, sprawling his legs out. He’s dressed in a Golden Eagles Football T-shirt that stretches tight across his wide chest and a pair of black basketball shorts. The outfit is nothing special, but heaven help me, he looks amazing. “Knox mentioned you’re doing well since you got here.”
“I am.” I nod—a little too enthusiastically. “I just—I don’t have a lot of friends yet.”
He frowns, seemingly concerned. “Oh? Well, you did just start here.”
While the campus is crowded and my classes are full, I haven’t really been able to fully connect with anyone.
“Right. Well, I have my roommates.” Rita and Cheyenne are perfectly nice, but I don’t really know them, and they are already super close since they’ve roomed together since freshman year. Which means, most of the time, I feel like a third wheel when I’m hanging out with them. “And they’re nice. But I haven’t really talked to anyone in my classes yet.”
“Ah.” Cam nods. “Well, at least you have your brother.”
I roll my eyes. “He doesn’t count.”
That smile is back, closed-lipped and absolutely adorable. “You have me.”
My heart drops, landing between my legs.You have me.
He can’t say things like that unless he means them.
“I’ll be your friend,” he continues. “Knox did mention to me recently that he needs my help.”
Be my friend. Would he freak out if he knew what I truly wanted from him? It’s definitely not friendship.
“Help with what?” I ask warily.
“Watching over you. He says I’m the only one he can trust on the team not to make a move on you.” Cam shakes his head.
And just like that, my heart returns to its normal spot in my chest, all tingly feelings occurring between my thighs disappearing. Great. Cam views me as the little sister he never had, thanks to my completely over-the-top brother.
“Wow, can’t wait to havetwooverprotective brothers on campus watching out for me,” I say, heavy on the sarcasm.
Cam scratches the back of his neck, seeming a little uncomfortable. “Is Knox too much sometimes?”
His question opens up a dam of opinions. “Too much? If he could put me in a cage and keep me under lock and key for the rest of my time here on this campus, he totally would. It’s ridiculous.He’sridiculous. I don’t know why he thinks I’m incapable of making rational decisions, but for whatever reason, he believes I’m going to put myself at risk on a daily basis, like I’m stupid.”