Page 4 of Playing By The Rules
Having her sit in front of me now, looking prettier than ever and asking me if I ever thought about having sex with her? Fuck.
My answer would be a hell yes, but I can’t say that out loud.
Can I?
I might’ve told myself back in the day I wasn’t interested in her, but it was a lie. I always thought she was beautiful. I would’ve totally made a move on her if she’d been older and not Knox’s sister.
Still can’t make a move because…yeah.
Blair is Knox’s sister.
There are rules Knox has laid down and boundaries established. We can’t touch Blair.
“Yeah, I’ve thought about it,” I finally mutter, so low she almost didn’t hear me.
But she definitely did. I see the realization dawn. The slow smile that curls her lips, immediately erased, like she didn’t mean to do it.
“Camden Fields,” she softly chastises, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Really?”
She sounds surprised, but come on. Has she looked at herself in the mirror lately? She’s fucking gorgeous. All that blonde hair and smooth skin. Those pink lips that are perfectly-shaped. Not to mention she has a great body. A perfect ass that I’ve stared at more than a time or two.
I scrub a hand over my face, trying to keep my thoughts under control.
“I shouldn’t be talking with you like this.” I sit up straighter, clearing my throat. “Your brother would have my ass.”
“I won’t tell him if you don’t,” she promises, her voice...sultry?
Well, damn. What do I say to that?
“Look, I should go.” When she rises to her feet, I recall her saying she didn’t have to be at her next class for another forty-five minutes, which was like…ten minutes ago. Tops. “It was nice seeing you. Hopefully we’ll run into each other again sometime soon.”
Before I can say anything, even goodbye, she grabs her backpack and she’s gone.
Without hesitation, I shoot out of my seat, leaving everything behind at the table while I chase after her. She might not be tall with a long stride like me, but she’s fast, seeing as she’s practically to the side doors of the library when I curl my fingers around her upper arm, stopping her.
She whips around, surprise in her eyes when she realizes I chased after her.
“If I made you uncomfortable, I didn’t mean to,” I say, suddenly sweating. I don’t want to piss her off or offend her. And this has nothing to do with Knox. I know he’ll kick my ass if I did something rude to his sister, but really?
I respect Blair. I like her. And I don’t want to hurt her feelings.
Something dawns in her gaze, something I can’t quite figure out, and her lips curve into the tiniest smile. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Cam.”
Thank Christ. “Okay, good.”
“It was—interesting though, what you said.”
I’m frowning. “How so?”
“That we’re having the same thoughts about each other.”
I blink at her, the meaning behind her words sinking into my brain.
“I’ve wondered what it would be like with you too.” She blasts me with the full wattage of her smile, before she turns and pushes her way through the double doors, disappearing out of view.
Leaving me at a complete loss.