Page 53 of And So, We Dance
Lucas told me what he liked as he pumped into me. “That’s it, baby. Take all of me,” he said, his hands on the back of my head.
I did, though not so easily.
“Fuck, Charlee.” He was simply a man expressing pleasure, but the way he said those words. . . His voice, so deep and sexy, could earn the man money if he weren’t opening up a tattoo parlor.
Dear Lord.
“That’s it, baby. Whose dick is in your mouth?”
And now, I was beginning to get wet again.
“Mmmm,” I murmured, unable to say more. But as he pumped into my mouth, I wanted to take more of him. His tightening grip on my hair told me that my efforts were appreciated.
“Fuck,” he cried out. “Charlee. Fuck, you are unbelievable.”
I hadn’t used any special techniques yet. The few tricks up my sleeve would go unused. Because he was definitely getting close. The sounds he made and the intensity that met me with each thrust told me so.
As did he.
“I’m gonna fucking come for you, Charlee,” he said, just before he did. “Fuck,” he ground out again as he unloaded himself into my mouth. I took it, swallowed, and licked the tip of his dick clean, pulling away and wiping my mouth.
Lucas let me go, tipping his head up and closing his eyes. When he opened them, it was to stare at me. “Jesus, Charlee. You are fucking incredible.” He tucked himself away, lifting up his jeans and re-buckling them. A shame, because he really did have a magnificent dick. The perfect size, actually.
He caught me staring at his crotch. And then did something totally unexpected, given how he’d been acting all night. Lucas climbed into the bed next to me, pulling me against him. He was fully clothed. I was missing my bottom half. It was not at all how I’d imagined us being intimate the first time, but nothing about this “new” Lucas was expected.
When he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me, I had no words. Never had I felt so safe in my life. Confused? For sure. Sated? Absolutely. Still turned on? If I thought about this night too hard, abso-fucking-lutely.
But also, safe.
And more than a little confused. For now, I’d just close my eyes for a few minutes and revel in the current circumstances of being in Lucas Warner’s arms.
When I woke up, it took me a second to realize where I was. And then another second to realize. . . “Oh shit, what time is it?”
“Just after seven,” Lucas said. He was lying on his back, hands folded under his head, as if he hadn’t a care in the world.
“Seven? Are you serious?” I jumped out of the bed. “How is that possible? I don’t sleep past six. Ever.”
Lucas looked at his watch, then back at me with a smirk. “Interesting. Being that it’s after seven.”
“Did you. . .” Realizing he was in sweats and a T-shirt, I answered my own question. “You’ve been up already?”
“I have. Rarely sleep past five. Took a shower, then laid back down. I’ve been watching you sleep for the past hour.”
Watching me sleep. “Seriously?”
That was oddly. . . comforting. And romantic. But also problematic. “I’m supposed to be at a manager’s meeting in an hour. By the time I get home, change, get down to Taughannock. . . Shit.”
“Sorry, baby,” he said.
I tried not to read into the nickname. It was the whole “good girl” thing, all sexual. I certainly wasn’t Lucas’s baby.
Even if I really wanted that.
“If I’d known, I would have woken you up. You looked so peaceful.”