Page 90 of And So, We Dance
“I think he knows that. I agree, the initial curiosity will even out, and getting tourists in here will be key.”
“Exactly. Of course, I’m happy to advise him in an unofficial capacity, but at some point he’ll want to put some budget behind it and be strategic.”
Since Gian owned his own marketing firm, he knew as well as anyone about the topic.
“Why not talk to him though?” I wondered.
“Because my thoughts were, I take Lucas on as a client for free. He would only pay the cost of any ads. In exchange, I ask for facetime with your dad to pitch my services.”
“Gian,” I said. “You don’t need to do that. I wish I even knew you were looking for new clients. I’d have introduced you to my father long ago.”
“I’ve decided to stay local, only promote businesses I have a vested interest in. Even if it hurts the bottom line a bit.”
“I think that’s great. But still, I can set up a meeting anytime.”
“Perfect,” he said. “But I insist on taking Lucas on pro bono for the opportunity.”
Who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth on Lucas’s behalf?
“Whatever you say. I do think it’s pretty awesome that you’re staying true to yourself. I know you could go after some heavy hitters if you wanted.”
“I used to. Sell my soul to promote businesses I couldn’t give a shit about. But. . .” He shrugged. “It’s just not fulfilling. If I can’t craft the day-to-day life that I want, what’s the point of being my own boss?”
Something about that. . .spoke to me.
“Craft the day-to-day life that you want,” I repeated. “That’s an interesting way to look at it.”
“Italy helped,” he said. “It was easy over there to figure out what the important things are. Namely, having time for family and friends and Mazzie. Otherwise, what’s the point?”
What’s the point indeed?
I said I was proud of him for being true to himself. And yet. . .
Craft the day-to-day life that you want.
“I don’t want to live in the office like my father,” I blurted.
Gian was clearly confused. “Come again?”
“He offered me a promotion,” I said. “The VP of Lakeside Properties is retiring.”
“Oh wow, that’s awesome. Congratulations—” Before he finished his sentence, Gian changed course as he looked at me. “No congratulations?”
“I didn’t accept. Honestly, I haven’t been sure what to do. It’s a lot of money. Like, life-changing money. And with just me and my sister, if I don’t take over, the business won’t stay in the family. At least, not at the ownership level.”
“I sense a ‘but’?”
“A big but. Which you helped me with just now. How do I want to spend my days? Not living in an office like my father. Right now, managing one property, it’s enough. I still have a life. Can be here, help Lucas with the designs—”
“Which you’re clearly talented at. Mazzie’s over the moon with hers. You did good, Charlee.”
“Thanks,” I said, my wheels still turning. It was such a simple answer. How did I want to spend my days? “I can’t believe how easy of a decision this was in the end.”
“Was? As in, you’ve decided. Like right here and now?”
It felt as if I could breathe again, fully, for the first time in weeks. “Yes. I’ve decided. Thank you, Gian.”
Standing, I made my way back to Lucas and Mazzie.