Page 31 of Prometheus Burning
Tears streamed down his face as I coughed loudly and violently. He reached over through the opened window, yanked the keys from the ignition, and clutched them in his hand. I sank into the driver’s seat, ashamed of my actions. Ashamed of being caught.
Dave added, “I can’t handleyouanymore.”
My front door creaked as I opened it, and I stepped back into my life. White walls of nothingness inside my house greeted me.
“Well, you said you’re ready to talk?” Jamie asked from behind me.
I spun around, heart beating rapidly. This time, spirit Jamie dressed in a blue-collared shirt with beige slacks. And sandals. A chestnut colored, beach-bum sandal. His figure appeared as if somebody had lowered his transparency level in Photoshop, and I could almost see the porch and driveway behind him through his form.
“What’s with your shoes?” I asked. My body froze, and I gave a nervous smirk.
Jamie stepped forward on my porch, and I noticed a light five o’clock shadow. Light-brown hair around his mouth and upper neck.
I guess they don’t shave in heaven.
“I canstillhear you, you know.” Jamie smiled as he inched a little bit closer, stopping right in front of me. Just as before, a glow formed over his body, and a vibrant energy bounced off his presence. I inhaled, feeling a rush of love, and planted my feet solidly in the doorway where I stood.
“Okay, well. We should call PETA.” My voice shook. “Make sure your sandals are approved.”
“I’ll be sure to ask the PETA in the sky.” He twisted a foot up, glanced down at it sheepishly, and then crossed his arms over his chest as he looked back at me. He opened his mouth, but then shut it, only to repeat this action one more time.
“Uh… do you want to come in?” I asked. “I’d show you my place, but it sounds as if you’ve already seen it.”
“Uh… sure. I’d like that. To come in, that is. Even though, yeah, already seen it. Many times… wait… I…” He slapped a hand across his forehead. “I don’t mean that in a creepy way. I mean, I’ve seen your place but… okay, maybe I should just shut-up.”
“Great…” I hesitated before moving backward and into my house. I internally shook my head not just at his obvious nervousness but this entire situation.
“Is this real?” I breathed as he walked, like he would have when he was alive, through the opened doorway and into the foyer of my place. A ray of sunlight shot through the window above the door and draped over his body which now shone even brighter than before.
He didn’t respond to my question. Instead, he glanced around the room, inspecting the space.
“You should get some furniture or something,” he said. “Where’s a ghost supposed to sit?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “On the fucking floor. With all the other… ghosts.”
He grinned. I glanced behind him at the opened door.
“I’d ask you to get that but…” I started to say.
“Yeah. Better you close that. Sorry. Can’t help you there.” He stepped forward. As we passed each other, he paused for a moment, and grabbed my hands in his. The vibration, similar as it had been the last time, swarmed over my hands. Yet his fingers felt of flesh the way they would have before. If it weren’t for the slight shimmer in his body, I may never have known the difference between this Jamie and the one I once knew who still had a physical form.
The blue in his eyes bore into mine. My heart nearly stopped.
“You’re supposed to be dead,” I murmured.
“Jemma,” he whispered. “I have so many things to tell you.”
I searched his gentle expression, held our gaze in place as we both waited. Maybe he expected me to say something. Maybe I expected to wake up from this dream. But neither of us said a word.
And I didn’t wake up.
Chapter Twenty-Six
“Why are you here with me?” I asked, Jamie’s hands still wrapped around mine as we stood in the doorway. “Why do you keep visitingme?”
He opened his mouth once more, but then shut it. His eyes drifted to the floor.