Page 1 of Forever Midnight
London, England 1536
Sweltering heat engulfs me as I scrub the marble floors of the palace, the hard stone digging into my knees. Just beyond where I work, my master and one of his many lovers are whispering in the hall after a morning of loud and passionate lovemaking. His lack of discretion, the way his dalliances humiliate his pious wife, and his moneyed arrogance turn my stomach, but what bothers me the most is that I’ll be next. His insatiable appetite has no limits or class restrictions. For him, I’m just as good as an aristocrat.
The wooden double doors to the room open and Master’s butler enters, averting his eyes from the two men kissing and feeling each other up.
“Sir, your guest from France has arrived.”
Lord Arden tears himself away from his lover, the two men still engaged in laughter. “Please bring him to the sitting parlor, William. I’ll be there shortly.”
William bows his head, backing out of the room while Lord Arden’s lover, Lord Faust brushes past me. I can feel his predatory eyes on me as strongly as his hands when they grope my body. Lord Arden has made me available to any of his visitors, and I am powerless against their advances.
He approaches me, pausing while I continue to work. “Leander.”
I gaze up. “Yes, Lord?”
“How do I look?”
Lord Arden is a vain but handsome man, striking in his richly textured clothing in mauve and brown, white tights, and embroidered shoes. His thick beard is neatly trimmed, and with eyes as blue as the sky, he stands out among the plain and pale types typical of England.
“Quite handsome, sir.”
Lord Arden preens, puffing his chest. “Clean up and present yourself in twenty minutes. Our distinguished guest will delight in beauty such as yours.”
“Yes, sir,” I answer even as my stomach sours.
Another man he will sell me to for a night or two, securing his name in the most decadent circles of society.
Rising from my chores, I set the bucket aside and shuffle off to my room in the servant’s quarters, well aware of what’s expected of me. I wash up with a basin of water, using a bit of perfume my master gave me, then change into my best clothing: a loose-fitting white shirt that shows off my chest, pants with a lace ruffle at the knee, white thigh-high tights, and my black leather shoes. My hair is wild and wavy just as Master likes it.
With a deep exhale, I steel myself to be poked and prodded, publicly molested as Lord Arden encourages his guest to explore this body. It stopped being mine alone years ago.
As I pass through the mansion, the other servants glance at me with sympathetic eyes. They all know what is going to happen to me. Many have witnessed it. After all, he bought me for this very purpose.
William nods when I arrive at the parlor, opening the door for me, and when I step in, Lord Arden smiles.
“Ah. Come, sweet boy.”
Inside I cringe. I despise being called a boy. I’m a man, but my youthful looks allow him to indulge in a fantasy.
The guest turns to face me and I stumble over my feet. He’s…beautiful.
“Leander, this is our esteemed guest, Yves Orpheus, visiting from Paris.”
I bow before him, bending my knee. “Welcome, Lord Orpheus.”
The stunning man chuckles. “I am no Lord,” he says, his softly accented voice drifting around me like a song. “You may call me Yves.”
Swallowing hard, I nod. “Yes, sir.”
The doors open again and Abigail enters with a tray of biscuits and teacakes. She glances at me, smiling, as she sets the tray down and takes her leave.
“Please sit, Yves,” Lord Arden says. “Would you like Leander to warm your lap?”
“I think that would be nice, thank you.”
I settle on Yves’s lap, avoiding the pretty gray gaze of his eyes. He smells incredible too, like exotic spices and mulled wine. His hand rests on my lower back, but he makes no other attempt to touch me.