Page 10 of Forever Midnight
I turn to finally meet his gaze. If Yves is our big brother, then Syn is second in line. He’s the calmest among us, taking his level-headed cues from Yves, but since Bowie came into his life, he seems even more connected to us than he was before. That’s the opposite of what I thought would happen.
“Yeah, man, I know.” I squeeze his hand. “I don’t have anything to say yet.”
“Fair enough. Just know the offer stands.”
Syn rises, joining Bowie and Thorn across the room as they argue over the best vampire movie. Bowie says it’sInterview with the Vampirewhile Thorn enjoys the far more violentUnderworld. I’m with Bowie on this one, even if it’s not exactly authentic. Can’t blame a mortal for trying.
While sipping my drink, I open my folder to learn about my target. The sooner I get it done, the sooner I can return to obsessing about Gideon, but when I read the name, a thrilling shiver goes down my back. Damn. I owe Yves a hug for this one.
“What are you grinning about over there?” Eros asks, perched on his favorite window seat, his long blond hair in a messy pile on his head.
“I get to take out Jack Ellis. He’s supposed to report to the court tomorrow but it’s the third time he’s managed to post bail on charges. He could leave the country and avoid trial.”
Silence falls over the room and even Bowie gasps.
“The rich dude that’s been trafficking young boys on his private island for years?” Bowie asks.
“That’s the one.” I rub my hands together. “Yves knows how much I enjoy ending pedophiles.”
“Lucky.” Thorn pouts. “How come I didn’t get him?”
“You got the last rich bastard,” Raphael says, stroking Thorn’s hair. “Don’t be a greedy boy.”
“Like telling the sun not to rise,” Eros deadpans. Thorn sticks his tongue out at him.
“Who would order that hit?” Bowie asks.
I shrug. “Could be anyone. A victim’s family, the government, someone afraid of the association.”
“That’s my bet,” Syn says. “If the media reporting is accurate, Ellis has a stable of high-profile men in his circle. No way all of them abstained from the activities.”
Bowie crinkles his nose. “Make him suffer, Midnight.”
“Have no fear about that, Bow. He’ll beg for his death.” Rising from my seat, I wave at my brothers. “Duty calls.”
By the time I’m changed and heading out the door to the parking garage, adrenaline pulses through me. Since this loser appeared on our radar a month ago, we’ve all been jonesing to teach him a lesson, but Yves said we had to be patient and allow the legal system to do its thing. But then Eros didhisresearch thing and found out this isn’t the first time Ellis has escaped the arms of justice. Whoever ordered this hit isn’t taking any chances this time. By morning, Ellis will be a dead man and his victims will have one less boogeyman to worry about.
In my favorite Lamborghini, I cruise through the streets of New Onyx for about five miles, to the posh district of mansions where the loser lives. He’s got security cameras everywhere, but lucky for me, I move too quickly to be detected.
I park a couple of blocks down from his house, swiftly moving up the hill to his gated property, the sounds of many voices reaching me. Shit. He’s not alone. Partying it up before he has to appear tomorrow would be my guess.
That’s okay. I got time.
I hop over the gate easily, slipping unseen to the side of the house, where I scale the building and perch on top in the darkness. Eventually his guests will leave or go to sleep, and then it’s my turn to pay this piece of a shit a visit.
Until then, I wait.
As nighttime falls, I leave my house and jump into the waiting Uber. I can’t exactly drive one of the family cars to the neighborhood I’ll be spending my evening in. The driver smiles nervously at me, no doubt wondering why a guy like me is heading to an area like that, but I’m under no obligation to share my plans. In fact, as far as he knows, I’m going to a nightclub.
While he drives, I focus on my phone and the constant stream of social media posts. I figured out early on that interacting here is a good way to have an alibi. I loathe social media, but it’s finally proved useful to me.
My feed is full of pictures of me and my family, me at our pool, me playing tennis with my dad. Me in all the trendy, affluent areas. No one would ever tag me in the places I really haunt at night.
The driver pulls up in front of the club, if that’s what we’re calling it. Dive bar is closer to reality, but it’ll do.