Page 19 of Forever Midnight
“You’re an assassin and I need someone to be assassined. Wait. Assassinated. Right.”
Smirking, I nod.
“How much will it cost me to have you do it?” Tru crosses the room again, plopping down on the couch and tucking his feet under him. “Whatever your price, I’ll pay it. Getting myself killed would pretty much ruin my plan to protect my family too.”
“I’ll have to run it by Yves, but I’m sure we could sanction it. Are you sure you want to pass it off to me?”
Tru pulls his head back, a perfect eyebrow quirked. “Oh, hold on there, slayer. We’re partners.”
“Uh, yeah. Pretty sure it fits.” He grins. “Anyway, count me in.”
I scoff at that. “Sorry, but civilians aren’t allowed.” I run my fingers under his chin. “Why don’t you just sit back and let me do what I do? Our practices aren’t open to the public.”
He pops his bottom lip, which is surprisingly effective. “Come on, Midnight. Teach me what I don’t know.”
“I would if your professional goal was to become an assassin, but as this seems to be a one time event, I think it’s best to leave you out of it.”
Now Tru tries a different tactic, softening his eyes seductively as he drags a hand down my chest. Oh, he’s tempting and playing dangerous games.
“Okay, but couldn’t you teach me a few things? What if I’m alone and one of them gets to me?”
“I’m well aware you’re manipulating me.”
“Maybe a scootch.” He smiles. “But I’m not lying when I tell you that…” He pauses, shrugging. “I don’t know. I like this other side of me. This protector. Even though I got my ass kicked, I feel like a new person. Not just some trust fund baby who shops and attends events on my mother’s arm.”
“I can relate.”
“Were you a trust fund baby once?”
I laugh softly, brushing my fingers down the smooth skin of his arm, noticing how he shivers at my touch.
“No, but I was far more civilized once upon a time.”
“You seem pretty civilized now.”
“How quickly you forget what you saw earlier.”
Tru chuckles. “Who am I to judge? I was out there trying to do the same thing.”
“Your cause is noble. I have no cause.”
“Why did you save me from Malek that night? You had no idea if I was good or bad. Maybe I deserved what was happening to me, but you didn’t hesitate.”
“Call it a sixth sense,” I answer dryly.
“Or maybe you’re not so morally broken as you pretend.”
He has no idea.
“Are you gay, Midnight?”
His blunt question startles me. “Er, um, I’m attracted to men.”
“Not gay. Bi?”
“For a time in my past I was interested in women. I’m exclusively with men now. That is, when I date at all.”