Page 23 of Forever Midnight
“Oh, um, okay.” I blow out a breath, hoping for a dose of courage. I’ve faced down major gang members. I can handle Yves, right?
“My family is being blackmailed by Malice. My sister got into some trouble with them, and I’m doing everything I can to get the evidence back and keep my parents from finding out. My parents and the public.”
“I see,” Yves says. “That’s why you were with Malek Dane?”
“Yeah. I was in over my head, obviously. Still am. Midnight saved my ass again last night.”
Yves only nods in response.
“I could use help, but Midnight says you guys work alone. I get it, but if there’s any way you’d consider an exception, I’d appreciate it.”
Now Yves’s eyes shift to Midnight. “You’re asking permission to involve us in this situation?”
“I am,” Midnight answers, stoic and emotionless.
Yves’s expression hardens. “Would you excuse us, Tru? Midnight and I need to speak privately.”
His tone leaves no room for rebuttal, so I just get up and hustle out of the room. On the other side of the door, the two women look up at me.
“You okay?” Viper asks.
“Is Yves always so intense?”
“Yes,” both women answer at the same time.
“Good to know.”
“But he’s got a big heart,” Vivienne says. “He would do anything for this motley crew of his.”
“What about the orphans they pick up along the way?” I ask.
Viper laughs. “Bowie was an orphan once. Now he’s part of the gang.”
“Okay.” I glance around. “I think I’ll wait for Midnight in the common area.”
I walk out, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. I really hope he’s not getting yelled at over me.
“Ihave to say, I am caught unawares. You want to involve yourself in this mortal mess?”
I nod, holding Yves’s questioning gaze. “I’m already involved. I have been since we rescued Tru from Malek. He damn near got himself killed twice. Without us, me, he’s going to die.”
“Lots of mortals die every day, Midnight. Why is this one so precious to you?”
“I wish I knew how to answer that.” I exhale slowly, sitting back in my chair. “Fuck knows the last thing I need is to be beholden to another mortal, but I can’t shake this one.”
“Ah. You want to keep him.”
“Honestly, I have no idea what I want yet. He…” I pause as painful memories of the past rush back. “His family doesn’t know he desires men.”
Yves frowns, obviously aware of why this is an issue for me. “And you are afraid the past will repeat itself?”
I nod.
“I see. Obviously, I don’t know the man, but I’ll gently point out that we are centuries apart from what happened before. It’s a very different world, Midnight.”