Page 34 of Forever Midnight
“I-I…” He can barely get the words out as his eyes shift to his partner in crime. “I’m sorry, man.”
“What did you do, Jamie?” Nick asks.
“It-it was me. What happened to Stacy. It was me.”
Nick’s eyes go wide. “You son of a bitch.”
He tears away from the wall, lunging at Jamie and punching him in the face several times. I could stand here and watch them tear each other apart, but it’s boring and will do nothing to cure my bloodlust.
I grab Nick by the collar, tossing him across the room. He lands with anoof, groaning as he watches me press Jamie to the wall.
“You’ve been a bad boy, Jamie.” And then I sink my teeth into his neck.
My eyes flutter as his blood flows into my mouth, but with it comes a flood of memories. A pretty girl with blond hair cowering in fear, three men searching the house for her, loud music pounding in the background.
Another flash as they hold her down and—I blink it away, not wishing to feel the rest of it. I’m pretty sure I know how it ends.
I lose myself to the bloodlust, allowing my beast to take over and drain Jamie first, then I turn on Nick, who is watching the scene, frozen with fear.
“Your turn.” I smile. “Stand up, Nick.”
He doesn’t move, nearly hyperventilating against the wall. Exhaling in a huff, I grab the collar of his t-shirt and lift him up, biting into his neck. His blood is far less sweet, and I’d bet he’s a drug user. They always taste bitter.
As I feed, I see the pretty blond girl again, lifeless in a tub of water, her wrists slashed and bleeding. My beast feeds on Nick’s sadness, his inability to help his sister, his rage at finding out his own friend hurt her.
“Shh, no more pain now,” I whisper as Nick takes his last breath.
I drop Nick’s body and twist around to see Raph shooting a bullet through the head of the preacher. There are no other signs of death, and enough blood was left to make it realistic. He then walks over and shoots both the dead men at my feet.
“Feel better?” Raph asks.
“Yes. All done?”
“All done.”
We leave the building, walking silently through the dark streets. I’m anxious, but also nervous as fuck to get back to Tru. Our earlier interaction left me shaken. Hopefully, it was nothing but a blip.
I won’t allow myself to consider it wasn’t.
The creepy feeling of being watched pulls my eyes open. I flinch when I focus on Midnight hovering over me, his face a mask of confusion and…Is that fear?
“Hi,” I whisper. “Are you okay?”
“Where did you get that? That’s mine.”
I follow his eyes to the book I’m clutching like a teddy bear. “Oh. I’m sorry. I was just looking at your bookcase and…” I shrug. “It called to me.”
“Calledto you?” he repeats. “What do you mean?”
“It’s hard to explain, but it felt like Ihadto read it.”
Midnight still looks horrified, his skin paler than usual. When he doesn’t speak, I continue.
“I’m sorry if it was private. It was beautiful. Tragic too. Did you write it? If so, you’re so talented.”