Page 45 of Forever Midnight
“It’s difficult for me to open up. It’s been a very long time since I’ve even wanted to, and that ended in tragedy. The only thing I’ve ever been afraid of is loving someone who can’t love me back.”
“Love? Isn’t that kind of rushing it a little?”
“I don’t enter relationships with any other intention.” He smiles. “How about a bath?”
“You didn’t come, did you?”
“No,” he answers, shaking his head. “Your pleasure was more than enough for me. Bath?”
“Are you going to join me?” I ask.
“If I’m invited, then I would love to.”
“You’re invited.”
Midnight climbs off the bed and heads to the bathroom, leaving me with my chaotic thoughts. He feels what I feel but he’s obviously worried about pursuing it. Which makes sense, I guess. I’m living a double life. What can I offer a man like Midnight long term? I can’t even tell my parents I like dudes.
Rubbing my forehead, I imagine my normal life with Midnight next to me. Attending charity events, always being aware of everyone’s eyes on you, the fake smiles and people sucking up to my family. No. He doesn’t fit there, but neither do I. I like it here in his world. Sure, it’s dark and there’s murder, but he’s free to do as he wants. He’s got a family he adores. Could I fit in with him? Would his brothers accept me? Could I finally figure out how to step into being the man I’m meant to be?
And if I did, would Midnight want to be there with me?
Ihope the water is perfect for him. It’s difficult for me to gauge how hot is too hot for a mortal. While dragging my hand through the water, my thoughts replay. Touching him, kissing him, it was…like a perfect memory. So familiar, but also new. I desperately wanted to enter him, be inside his body,mergewith him, but the small remaining bit of honor within me wouldn’t allow it.
Not until he knows what I am and I know if he can accept me.
His disappearance earlier made it clear that I am deeply invested in his safety, but it was more than that. I felt his absence in the depths of my core. Cutting off an appendage would be more comfortable than being without him. Which is a problem. A very big problem.
Tru has a life and a family. Could he give that up to join my world? Would he? These are the questions I have to know the answers to before I can move forward.
Tru appears in the doorway, naked, his hair strewn wildly around his face, his flesh stained with dry cum. Fuck. Just the sight of him like that, knowing I did it, stirs my beast. Holding in my bite took an act of unnatural strength, and with him standing so close, his desire still pouring off him, his eyes silently offering his body once again, I have to wonder whether I’m strong or fucking insane.
Tru smiles, his eyes taking me in. “When’s the last time you took a bath with someone?”
“I can’t remember.” Centuries, I’m sure. “You?”
“Never.” He grins, but as his cheeks turn pink, the desire to snatch him up and hide him away so he never looks like that at anyone but me is strong. “I’ve always wanted to though. It looks fun in the movies.”
“I hope it doesn’t disappoint.”
Tru walks closer, but his steps are tentative. “I doubt you could disappoint me.” When he reaches me, he stands between my legs, his fingers carding through my hair. “Can I say something probably kind of weird?”
“Earlier you told me that when I’m close you feel better.”
I nod.
“Well, I feel…different. Like there’s some kind of unexplored part of me you’re helping me discover. Almost like I buried a version of me that wants to come out now.”
“You’re safe with me, Tru. You can be whoever you want.”
“Can I?” He bites his bottom lip. “It scares me a little. It took me a long time to accept what I am.”