Page 54 of Forever Midnight
“Yeah you did,” I reply, kneeling. “So why did we find two bodies under the bridge?”
The third vamp, leaning against the wall getting sucked off, shrugs. “Wasn’t us. Dimas told us we could blow off some steam before we left, but we had strict orders. Besides, we don’t leave bodies just lying around. We’re civilized. What kind of vampires do you think we are?”
I cringe as the words leave his lips, twisting around to look for Tru, but he’s just watching the scene with no reaction. Maybe he didn’t hear it?
Thorn grabs one of the vampires by the throat. “Tell me again you didn’t do it.”
The vampire hisses, but repeats his words. “We didn’t kill anyone. We’ve just been here partying.”
“And the mortals,” Thorn demands.
“Came willingly. We used a bit of compulsion so we can feed, but we won’t harm them.”
Convinced, Thorn releases the man with a slight shove. “They’re telling the truth.”
“And you saw or sensed nothing?” Syn asks.
The one against the wall pushes the man he’s with off him as he stands. “We did scent him,” he says. “But it was gone quickly. We didn’t pursue him because we have orders not to.”
“So he was in the area,” Bowie whispers.
“But we scented…our kind on the bodies,” Syn adds.
The vampire quirks his head. “Perhaps it was from our earlier interaction. Dimas would have our necks if we disobeyed. It wasn’t us.”
“Fine,” Syn says. “When can we expect your exit from New Onyx?”
The one standing squares off with Syn, but I can see the moment when he decides against it. I wouldn’t fuck with Syn either.
“Within the hour,” the vampire answers.
“Perfect,” Syn says. “We’ll leave you to your…entertainment.” His tone is pure disgust and on any other night I would laugh my ass off, but there’s too much at stake right now.
“Now what?” Thorn asks once we’re outside again. “The guys were telling the truth. Someone else was responsible.”
Syn’s phone rings a second later and I know it’s Yves judging from his tone.
“Okay, got it,” Syn says. He ends the call, looking up at us. “That was Yves. He confirmed Dimas’s whereabouts so it’s not him either.”
Tru hasn’t said a word. He just walks beside me, arms folded around his body, eyes on the ground. I grab his arm and hold him back from the group.
“We’ll find Vinni.”
Tru nods. “I know.”
“What’s wrong then?”
Tru shakes his head. “It’s hard to explain. When we were in the building, it was like I blacked out even though I was wide awake.”
“Blacked out?”
He blows out a breath. “Everyone sounded really far away or, like, in a tunnel or something. I swear I was floating above it all, seeing it but not part of it. It was quick. I blinked and I was back, but it was fucking weird.”
“It could be stress getting to you. It almost sounds like a panic attack.”
Tru nods. “Yeah. That’s probably it. I can handle it though. I can.”
“I know you can.” I press a kiss to his forehead. “Are you ready to keep going?”