Page 76 of Forever Midnight
“It’s kind of cool knowing there was some other force outside of us making sure it happened.”
“Yes, I agree.”
“Are you sad though? Sad that Benedict got it, but it was too late?”
“No, not sad. Free. I put my heart in a box for all these years. Centuries and decades and years and months and days of sorrow are over now. It wasn’t our time then. Benedict and I were not ready. Whatever journey he’s been on since healed the parts of both of us that still bled.” Cupping his cheek, I focus on his gaze. “But I want to be very clear, Tru. It’s you I love. You. Benedict is in the past, and I’m grateful for the message he gave us. I’m humbled that fate would bring our souls back together through you, but have no doubt, my sweet, beautiful man, that it is you who holds my heart in your hands.”
Tru smiles. “I know. I’m not sure how I know, but I do.”
“That’s good enough for me.”
* * *
An hour later, Tru and I leave my unit to join the others in the common area. I’m hoping for some kind of update on Vinni after my brothers spent the night hunting.
I spot Yves and Syn in a corner chatting over coffee. Eros and Raphael aren’t present. Bowie is sitting in an armchair reading a book, and Thorn is sleeping on the couch, as usual.
“Morning,” I say, approaching Yves and Syn. “Any news?”
“We heard from Eros two hours ago,” Yves says. “He and Raphael think they have a lead. They’re checking it out now.”
“Why wasn’t I told?”
“No reason to yet,” Syn answers. “You’ll be the first to know if he’s located.”
I grunt, watching Tru as he walks over to Bowie. “Last night I learned something.”
Yves and Syn watch me with interest.
“Somehow, a part of Benedict is tangled up with Tru. He came through, sharing with us that we were soulmates, he just didn’t know until it was too late.”
“Fuck,” Syn whispers. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. Somehow fate decided to reunite us through Tru. I don’t know how it works, but Benedict explained that only a part of him exists with Tru.”
“How do you feel?” Yves asks, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Free.” My voice cracks slightly. “Unchained from the past. Ready to love Tru. He knows now. He accepts me.”
Syn smiles. “Really?”
“Yeah. He even asked about accepting my gift after we resolve the situation with Vinni.”
“I had a feeling,” Yves begins softly, glancing at Bowie and Tru as they look at a book. “I didn’t bring it up because I knew you weren’t ready to hear it, but I sensed something in Tru. I knew he’d be around for a while.”
“For eternity if my luck holds out.”
“It isn’t luck, brother,” Syn says. “It’s fate.”
I smile at that as Bowie and Tru join us. Tru’s energy is off the charts. He nearly bounces as he grips my hand.
“What is this?” I ask.
Bowie grins, handing me the book in his hands. “I was doing a little reading up on reincarnation.” He shrugs. “I just had a feeling after the piano thing.”
“Wait till you hear it,” Tru says, still beaming.
“Okay,” Bowie begins. “So, what I learned is that among the cultures that believe in it, it can be different. But I found this one explanation that feels right for this situation. It’s from ancient western civilization and widely held presently in new age and occult communities.”