Page 34 of Unmasked
He stares at me with fear in his eyes, shaking his head.
“Tell me the truth and I will show you mercy.” I remove my hand, staring at him. “I will know if you lie.”
His breath leaves him in short puffs. “S-s-seventeen.”
“Seventeen. Naughty boy.” Tilting my head back, I open my mouth wide to show him my fangs.
James sobs. “Fuck, man. What are you?”
“You know what I am, James, and I know what you are. Should I let you go? Would you stop torturing innocent people?”
His face falls as he blinks away his tears, letting them fall down his face. “N-no. I can’t.”
“That’s what I thought.”
I sink my teeth into his skin, grimacing at the initial taste of sweat and fear, releasing my anger as his blood fills my mouth. James grips my shoulders, whimpering but weirdly attempting to hump my leg. Eww. I put space between us, draining his body until the river of blood slows to a trickle. When I pull back, I lick his wounds closed, knowing they will disappear shortly.
I check his pulse. He’s dead. One less piece of shit terrorizing Neubrook’s streets. Glancing around, I use my vision to ensure no one is watching before I drop his body through a hole in the roof. He’ll be found soon enough after I send an anonymous tip to the police department.
I’ve become very skilled at spreading out my kills. Normally, to feed, I only need a bit of blood and I can use compulsion to make the person relax and forget, but it’s just so satisfying when I can take out a bad guy. Does that make me a monster too? Maybe.
I descend the building, walking slowly back to the corner where Charlie still stands. He glances up, surprised when he sees me.
“Hey, thanks,” he says. “That guy gave me the creeps.”
“I picked up on that.” I pull a wad of cash out of my pocket and hand it to him. “For your inconvenience.”
Charlie looks at the cash. “Really?”
“Do you think he’ll come back?”
“I’m quite sure he won’t, Charlie. Have a good night.”
“You too. Thanks!”
As I walk away, I already know that Charlie won’t say a word about me when the body is found. It’s a bit of a pact on this side of town.
When I get back to my building, I stretch as if I just took a run, and am just about to go inside when a sound from the trees captures my attention. I walk towards the tinny sound, seeking the source, and my gaze lands on a tiny black kitten.
“Oh my. What are you doing out here, little one? Where is your mother?”
Another kitten emerges from the brush, then two more. I laugh with happiness. I scoop them up, and another mew reaches me, this one more adult and concerned sounding. Pushing past a tree branch, I come to a small clearing where a mama cat cries for her kittens, two more at her feet. She’s a beautiful girl with short black fur and white paws.
“Hey there, Mama. You looking for these?” I expect her to hiss, but instead she brushes against my leg. “Did someone leave you out here?” There’s no way she’s feral. “Well, that won’t do at all.” I bend down, grabbing the other two kittens and stuffing them inside my jacket before hoisting Mama into my arms. She purrs as soon as I’ve got her. “I’ll take care of you, Mama, and your little babies.”
What a pleasant end to the night. Got rid of another bully and found a bunch of kitties as a reward. Life really is good.
After a quick shower, I throw on a pair of basketball shorts and shuffle out to the living room to check out what food Michel picked up yesterday. The smell of coffee hits me halfway down the hall, luring me closer.
The house is quiet as I pour my coffee, until I make it to the living room, where I catch movement to the right. In front of the gas fireplace is a laundry basket full of kittens attempting to escape. Even more surprising is Michel leaning over the basket, cooing at the animals.