Page 45 of Unmasked
Once we’re inside and seated, Michel leans in. “Is everything okay?”
“With me, yeah. I just wanted to tell you about something I overheard today. From Garrett.”
His face immediately tenses. “Go on.”
“He’s got some bigshot angel investor in New Onyx. He didn’t say the name, but it’s someone who owns a big cell phone factory.”
Michel nods. “Interesting.”
“It also sounded like he set you up to this investor as the bad guy ruining Neubrook. He said you won’t know what hit you when he’s done.”
Michel’s jaw tenses as his eyes harden. “I see.”
“Sorry, but I really thought you should know.”
He blinks the anger away. “I absolutely should know. Thank you.”
“I saw Chrissy too. She told me Garrett has a drinking problem. Just FYI.”
Michel shakes his head. “I don’t understand how they came from the same family.”
“I appreciate the news. I’ll reach out to some contacts and see what I can find out.”
“I can do that,” I find myself offering. “Got nothing else to do.”
He smiles. “I appreciate that, but you should be resetting and acclimating to your new environment. You’ve been through a lot.”
Something about his delivery makes my stomach feel funny, but also kind of good. I’m not stupid enough not to realize I’m attracted to him. I should probably tell him sooner than later. Otherwise I’m gonna come off weird. If we get it out in the open, we can deal with it. His friendship is more important than my libido, and being honest is the best way to tackle it.
“Uh, thanks, Michel, but I want to help somehow.”
“You could help me plan the entertainment for the next ball and take it off Crystal’s plate?” He leans across the desk. “Between us, she’s an excellent assistant, but her idea of elegance is a little off.”
I laugh softly. “I can do that. Are we talking string quartet elegant or jazz band elegant?”
“Great question. I’m going with an old Hollywood glam theme for this one.”
“On it.”
“Wonderful.” His eyes linger on mine as his expression softens. “I shouldn’t be home too late tonight.”
“Want to eat in? I can cook.”
“That sounds perfect. Maybe after dinner, we can sit in the sauna for a bit. It does wonders for a busy mind and tired soul.”
“I’m in. See you around six?”
“Six. Thanks again, Eli. You may have saved the day.”
“You know I’ve got your back. Always.”
“I know, and it feels amazing.”
After I leave, I walk home knowing I have to get my feelings out. I’ll tell him tonight that I’m wildly attracted to him and go from there.
I decide to stop by the market on the way home to get some prosciutto and cantaloupe, my go-to appetizer. On my way to the register, I impulsively grab two candles. Too romantic for a bromance? Maybe, but I’m a go big or go home kind of guy. I’ll conveniently ignore that this go home would result in my crashing on my parents’ couch. I shudder. Hopefully I’m not misjudging his lingering looks.